Easy to use and massive amount of information that is so easy to use from fuel planning, airport information, flight planning and even gas prices. The product is intuitive and if you don't know how to use something only take a minute or two to figure it out.
You cannot see other Foreflight traffic like OzRunways or Avplan, and you cannot access FlightAware data either who they have partnered with. As in flight, if you are connected to Sentry Plus, this disables mobile data so FlightAware traffic cannot work! If...
We can digitize each and every manuals. It is also helpful in documenting different files. It is also helpful for the global team to maintain.
It will only work well if you use their viewer to access the created manuals. Unfortunately, if you try to export it to PDF, the manual created in Web Manuals will not look exactly the same, in terms of formatting. Also sharing content is not as easy and...
Easy to use and massive amount of information that is so easy to use from fuel planning, airport information, flight planning and even gas prices. The product is intuitive and if you don't know how to use something only take a minute or two to figure it out.
We can digitize each and every manuals. It is also helpful in documenting different files. It is also helpful for the global team to maintain.
You cannot see other Foreflight traffic like OzRunways or Avplan, and you cannot access FlightAware data either who they have partnered with. As in flight, if you are connected to Sentry Plus, this disables mobile data so FlightAware traffic cannot work! If...
It will only work well if you use their viewer to access the created manuals. Unfortunately, if you try to export it to PDF, the manual created in Web Manuals will not look exactly the same, in terms of formatting. Also sharing content is not as easy and...