Exclaimer was very easy to get up and running. We followed one of their videos to complete the initial setup, and then found it very intuitive to start creating signatures.
After implementation, we found that 40% of external emails were not being delivered successfully. I submitted a critical ticket to Exclaimer support, and it took them over 6 hours to respond (breach of the service agreement that has a 6 hour expectation in...
Simplicity, ability to easy change it up! It doesn't distort on a multiple email string.
After playing with NewOldStamp for a half hour or so, I concluded that either it is not configurable enough to give me the look I wanted, or it wasn't intuitive enough for me to figure out how to use it. I was not happy with the look of any of the...
Exclaimer was very easy to get up and running. We followed one of their videos to complete the initial setup, and then found it very intuitive to start creating signatures.
Simplicity, ability to easy change it up! It doesn't distort on a multiple email string.
After implementation, we found that 40% of external emails were not being delivered successfully. I submitted a critical ticket to Exclaimer support, and it took them over 6 hours to respond (breach of the service agreement that has a 6 hour expectation in...
After playing with NewOldStamp for a half hour or so, I concluded that either it is not configurable enough to give me the look I wanted, or it wasn't intuitive enough for me to figure out how to use it. I was not happy with the look of any of the...