Digital transformation to cloud journey Lots of improvement and automation is require based on industry requirement Panel discussion was also good for knowledge
Outdated interface, must be run on Internet Explorer which is already obsolete. Lacks proper word processing capabilities, do expect horrendous looking electronic worksheets with page break, out of margin table issues. Often encounter bugs involving data...
Software is developed with end users in mind. Lab workflows and processes are easily configured. Out of the box configuration can get a lab up and running in no time. LIMS admin support tools are easy to manage and understand with time and use.
It's a shame that the core of the schedule is fixed. Accordingly, the existing schedule creation rules had to be changed.
Digital transformation to cloud journey Lots of improvement and automation is require based on industry requirement Panel discussion was also good for knowledge
Software is developed with end users in mind. Lab workflows and processes are easily configured. Out of the box configuration can get a lab up and running in no time. LIMS admin support tools are easy to manage and understand with time and use.
Outdated interface, must be run on Internet Explorer which is already obsolete. Lacks proper word processing capabilities, do expect horrendous looking electronic worksheets with page break, out of margin table issues. Often encounter bugs involving data...
It's a shame that the core of the schedule is fixed. Accordingly, the existing schedule creation rules had to be changed.