Pardot is a great multi-use marketing automation tool at an incredible price point. Easy to create attractive HTML emails for email blasts, simple marketing automation logic, website traffic reporting and analysis, lead scoring, landing pages and more. ...
my website looks like it is from the early 2000s. I am limited to the control of my website. Ended up leaving due to not being able to make the changes I wanted and it still looked outdated. Using Ylopo and Follow Up Boss now- enjoying it so far.
Zbuyer is a great service. Everyone I have had the pleasure of dealing with in customer support, help widget, and account managers, have been simply amazing.
Z-buyer not useful to realtors who are looking to find sellers who want to be represented by a broker. Z-buyer sells you a county which in my case, most of the homes are not in the town I work. Most buyers and sellers are on the low end of the dollar...
Pardot is a great multi-use marketing automation tool at an incredible price point. Easy to create attractive HTML emails for email blasts, simple marketing automation logic, website traffic reporting and analysis, lead scoring, landing pages and more. ...
Zbuyer is a great service. Everyone I have had the pleasure of dealing with in customer support, help widget, and account managers, have been simply amazing.
my website looks like it is from the early 2000s. I am limited to the control of my website. Ended up leaving due to not being able to make the changes I wanted and it still looked outdated. Using Ylopo and Follow Up Boss now- enjoying it so far.
Z-buyer not useful to realtors who are looking to find sellers who want to be represented by a broker. Z-buyer sells you a county which in my case, most of the homes are not in the town I work. Most buyers and sellers are on the low end of the dollar...