Pardot is a great multi-use marketing automation tool at an incredible price point. Easy to create attractive HTML emails for email blasts, simple marketing automation logic, website traffic reporting and analysis, lead scoring, landing pages and more. ...
my website looks like it is from the early 2000s. I am limited to the control of my website. Ended up leaving due to not being able to make the changes I wanted and it still looked outdated. Using Ylopo and Follow Up Boss now- enjoying it so far.
In all honestly, we've left the platform and come back twice now. This should give anyone peace of mind knowing that we can say, with utter confidence, that Reliance is the best there is. Nick and team are saints and have really saved us in our time of need...
There is a CRM component that is improving.
Pardot is a great multi-use marketing automation tool at an incredible price point. Easy to create attractive HTML emails for email blasts, simple marketing automation logic, website traffic reporting and analysis, lead scoring, landing pages and more. ...
In all honestly, we've left the platform and come back twice now. This should give anyone peace of mind knowing that we can say, with utter confidence, that Reliance is the best there is. Nick and team are saints and have really saved us in our time of need...
my website looks like it is from the early 2000s. I am limited to the control of my website. Ended up leaving due to not being able to make the changes I wanted and it still looked outdated. Using Ylopo and Follow Up Boss now- enjoying it so far.
There is a CRM component that is improving.