Pardot is a great multi-use marketing automation tool at an incredible price point. Easy to create attractive HTML emails for email blasts, simple marketing automation logic, website traffic reporting and analysis, lead scoring, landing pages and more. ...
Downside would be it's pretty expensive. Especially when you could use much cheaper programs to do very similar, but not ALL of the things. Also, the customer support isn't what it use to be. It's definitely got me checking other options. You could spend...
Referral Maker helps me manage my business for the past 4 years. From marketing to meeting reminders, there is a calendar, tracking of client business experiences (family members, birthdays, wedding dates, etc.), to group and individual emails. I am also...
I wish Referral maker was integrated with Qualia and could just pull information over into its database.
Pardot is a great multi-use marketing automation tool at an incredible price point. Easy to create attractive HTML emails for email blasts, simple marketing automation logic, website traffic reporting and analysis, lead scoring, landing pages and more. ...
Referral Maker helps me manage my business for the past 4 years. From marketing to meeting reminders, there is a calendar, tracking of client business experiences (family members, birthdays, wedding dates, etc.), to group and individual emails. I am also...
Downside would be it's pretty expensive. Especially when you could use much cheaper programs to do very similar, but not ALL of the things. Also, the customer support isn't what it use to be. It's definitely got me checking other options. You could spend...
I wish Referral maker was integrated with Qualia and could just pull information over into its database.