-The responsiveness of the user interface and clean, readily understandable design -The excellent diagnostics and trouble-shooting utilities -The ability to see services on the lowest possible level as well as the highest level, interacting with the rest...
Lack of depth. I have the feeling that AppD provides me the insight but not the depth inevitable for DevOps.
You can define your own metrics for your application that want to monitor. Paired up with Grafana makes it a really powerful tool. It's Alert manager is a cherry on top.
- It has a lot of moving parts and can get complicated quickly when your dealing with 20,000 vm's. - The information that Prometheus collects is not that detailed. - The community that supports it is small. - Configuration is complicated and not a fan...
-The responsiveness of the user interface and clean, readily understandable design -The excellent diagnostics and trouble-shooting utilities -The ability to see services on the lowest possible level as well as the highest level, interacting with the rest...
You can define your own metrics for your application that want to monitor. Paired up with Grafana makes it a really powerful tool. It's Alert manager is a cherry on top.
Lack of depth. I have the feeling that AppD provides me the insight but not the depth inevitable for DevOps.
- It has a lot of moving parts and can get complicated quickly when your dealing with 20,000 vm's. - The information that Prometheus collects is not that detailed. - The community that supports it is small. - Configuration is complicated and not a fan...