I have worked with various companies in numerous software product but never seen one software without log4j. Logger tool that have different log levels is a good companion for debugging production issues.
Unfortunately its development seems to be abandoned. Fortunately the same authors of log4j create a new library called logback, that it seems to be better than its predecessor.
I like the capabilities and the option that are available in the tool which capture the real time data and the analysis provided on that capture data is very impressive. Such processed data will be useful for any organisation.
keep up with elastricsearch features , support the latest versions , is up to one year
I have worked with various companies in numerous software product but never seen one software without log4j. Logger tool that have different log levels is a good companion for debugging production issues.
I like the capabilities and the option that are available in the tool which capture the real time data and the analysis provided on that capture data is very impressive. Such processed data will be useful for any organisation.
Unfortunately its development seems to be abandoned. Fortunately the same authors of log4j create a new library called logback, that it seems to be better than its predecessor.
keep up with elastricsearch features , support the latest versions , is up to one year