The alerts save us time and expense by allowing us to identify problems only a few minutes before they begin. Configuring alerts and creating dashboards is simple. It is possible to add additional data sources without modifying anything on the Anodot Side.
Bit expensive and hard to use for more complex pro
It is very easy to use compared to statistics for mining patterns in time series data. Does not require data engineering and data transformations!!! It's awesome.
Took a lot of time for some of the specific datasets and the learning rate was quite slow and wasn't able to figure out the exact problem.
The alerts save us time and expense by allowing us to identify problems only a few minutes before they begin. Configuring alerts and creating dashboards is simple. It is possible to add additional data sources without modifying anything on the Anodot Side.
It is very easy to use compared to statistics for mining patterns in time series data. Does not require data engineering and data transformations!!! It's awesome.
Bit expensive and hard to use for more complex pro
Took a lot of time for some of the specific datasets and the learning rate was quite slow and wasn't able to figure out the exact problem.