When assessing the two solutions, reviewers found Angular easier to use, set up, and administer. Reviewers also preferred doing business with Angular overall.
The features that make me fell in love with angular. 1. It has a well defined folder structure with seggregated folders for your html, css, and typescript. 2. It uses typescript which actually reduce a lot of bug in your project. 3. Angular is not...
I'm going to mostly compare it to React. Angular's community is weakening by the day. It's updates are slow compared to React's. It's not functional so it doesn't write as cleanly. It's also pretty hard to debug. You have to select some element on the page...
Our business uses SAP Crystal mainly as a embedded product. The programming language and the customizations are very intuitive. We have used this tool for handlng large data, creating customs reports, sub-totals, and categorize that data into tables and...
The customer service and systems in place are both terrible. During the purchase process of a single license I accidentally ordered the wrong product (exact same price as the correct product). I immediately noticed this issue upon receiving my receipt and...
The features that make me fell in love with angular. 1. It has a well defined folder structure with seggregated folders for your html, css, and typescript. 2. It uses typescript which actually reduce a lot of bug in your project. 3. Angular is not...
Our business uses SAP Crystal mainly as a embedded product. The programming language and the customizations are very intuitive. We have used this tool for handlng large data, creating customs reports, sub-totals, and categorize that data into tables and...
I'm going to mostly compare it to React. Angular's community is weakening by the day. It's updates are slow compared to React's. It's not functional so it doesn't write as cleanly. It's also pretty hard to debug. You have to select some element on the page...
The customer service and systems in place are both terrible. During the purchase process of a single license I accidentally ordered the wrong product (exact same price as the correct product). I immediately noticed this issue upon receiving my receipt and...