It is simple to input the desired conditions. As a matter of fact, in my past organizations I have utilized manual computations for examination of vessels and funneling structures yet after Hyperworks came into picture it was way simpler.
We have to depend on other solver tools to get a File for post processing to plot results
Simsolid has been great for quick iterations of parts. I have used frequently to compare different potential designs. Because it is so much quicker to set up and solve compared to traditional 3D CAE software, it greatly improves the speed at which i can...
Not being able to edit geometry in SimSolid. It would be extremely helpful to be able to increase or decrease the thickness of plate elements directly in the software based on the results. As it stands right now, these changes need to be made on the...
It is simple to input the desired conditions. As a matter of fact, in my past organizations I have utilized manual computations for examination of vessels and funneling structures yet after Hyperworks came into picture it was way simpler.
Simsolid has been great for quick iterations of parts. I have used frequently to compare different potential designs. Because it is so much quicker to set up and solve compared to traditional 3D CAE software, it greatly improves the speed at which i can...
We have to depend on other solver tools to get a File for post processing to plot results
Not being able to edit geometry in SimSolid. It would be extremely helpful to be able to increase or decrease the thickness of plate elements directly in the software based on the results. As it stands right now, these changes need to be made on the...