They've got lots of resources to through at a problem. Usually very smart and very driven to help you through your project. They usually bring a high level of expertise.
I started working on Salesforce right before they stopped working with our company and we're still dealing with their custom code. I'm not sure how they have helped the company in the past but they are messing us up big time right now. Their code is...
Whenever we have a question we are quickly routing to the best person to help us. We have been using RSM for several years and they are very knowledgeable about our system.
Sometimes they should just say "no" to certain requests and show us how to do it with standard modules. We ended up with too many customizations in our system
They've got lots of resources to through at a problem. Usually very smart and very driven to help you through your project. They usually bring a high level of expertise.
Whenever we have a question we are quickly routing to the best person to help us. We have been using RSM for several years and they are very knowledgeable about our system.
I started working on Salesforce right before they stopped working with our company and we're still dealing with their custom code. I'm not sure how they have helped the company in the past but they are messing us up big time right now. Their code is...
Sometimes they should just say "no" to certain requests and show us how to do it with standard modules. We ended up with too many customizations in our system