Whistleblowing software is a type of issue management solution that provides employees with anonymous options to report issues related to fraud, harassment, theft, embezzlement, corruption, and so on, giving organizations the ability to uncover these workplace problems. Whistleblowing solutions are sometimes referred to as helplines, hotlines, or case management solutions and are designed to deal with issues such as misconduct, fraud, and unethical behavior that are not aligned with an organization's policies or values. These issue management solutions provide online or mobile platforms that enable anonymous two-way communication. They also provide tools for organizations to receive reports and investigate the claims, along with analytics tools to determine where misconduct is prevalent.
Some vendors provide a secure website platform, while others offer a platform and additional services to help organizations intake the initial reports. These additional services might include a phone hotline, text messages, phone or fax, a mobile app, email, online chat, or whistleblowing consulting. Whistleblowing solutions might be provided in tandem with HR case management software, GRC platforms, or ethics and compliance learning software, to name a few.
To qualify for inclusion in the Whistleblowing category, a product must:
Provide employees with a confidential compliance reporting system
Enable secure and anonymous reporting regarding fraud, misconduct, and other violations of company policies
Facilitate secure reporting via solutions such as website, text messaging, phone or fax, email, online chat, mobile app, or whistleblowing consulting