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Phoenix Law RMS is a records management system designed to meet the needs of your agency with a configurable, multi-site, multi-juris platform.
Police Investigation Software keeps track of all records relating to everything involved in a law enforcement investigation.
Precinct Connection is a law enforcement records management software that features the tracking of complaints, incidents, accidents, citations, tickets, warrants, and more to help you manage your faci
RIMS Law Enforcement Records Management System is the most effective way to organize, track and access the vast amount of information that flows through your police department every day.
TAC.10 RMS understands information integration. Each module can stand alone, integrating seamlessly with existing systems; or it can be used in conjunction with the other software modules Global Publi
Tyler Enterprise Public Safety features fully integrated solutions for dispatchers, officers, firefighters,first responders, command staff, and civilian staff. Enterprise Public Safety provides easy a
Watson Field Reporting Suite offers integrated modules; incident, crash, ticketing, computer-aided dispatch and evidence that streamlines the process of field reports with a user interface and artific
The most advanced yet easy-to-use Records Management System (RMS) for Public Safety. 10x Faster Reporting with AI & Automatic Narratives. Smart Redaction & IBR Validation. Integrates seamless
ACISS Web Automated Records Management System (ARMS) is a records management solution.
APSS Enforce is an agency-wide system that provides for the storage, retrieval, retention, manipulation, documentation, and viewing of information, records, documents, or files pertaining to law enfor
Avenger RMS is a law enforcement system that provides you modules and features like, CAD, media direct access, RMS, electronic report writer, and more to help you manage your law enforcement facility.
BADGE is a police records management system that provides entry of incident, arrest and related data with crime analysis and reports to manage your staff and resources.
Case Closed Software is powerful web-based investigative case management software designed for specialized, multi-jurisdictional investigation units. Case Closed Software is CJIS-Compliant, and is av
More than just an application, CivicRMS is a powerful architecture engineered for the unique requirements of Law Enforcement. Designed and field-tested by law enforcement professionals, CivicRMS integ
Justice (Law Enforcement Records Management) application allows law enforcement agencies to simplify and enhance day to day operations by automating records and tracking processes.