Cookies are short text files used to track user data, such as IP addresses and browsing activities, when users visit a company’s website. Cookie Tracking software scans websites to identify and list what cookies, beacons, tags, tracking pixels, local objects and other website tracking technologies, such as plug-ins or integrated content like videos, are present so companies can disclose those trackers to users, gain user tracking consent, and ultimately comply with privacy regulations such as GDPR and ePrivacy that require user consent before enabling cookies. Cookie Tracking software are usually short scripts that are easy to deploy on existing websites. Once a cookie and tracker scan is complete, a cookie notice with the results is generated and available for privacy teams to add to their consent forms, along with their privacy policies.
Cookie Tracking software is often used in conjunction with Consent Management software to automate the management of user tracking preferences. Cookie Tracking software is similar to, but different than Tag Management software. Cookie Tracking software helps a company’s privacy team identify website tracking technologies for privacy compliance purposes, while Tag Management Software helps marketers manage trackers for advertising purposes.
To qualify for inclusion in the Cookie Tracking software category, a product must:
Automatically scan websites to identify web trackers, such as cookies
Generate a cookie notice listing the results of the scan, as required to comply with privacy regulations