Online legal research service for legal and law related materials and services, including searches of US and international legal materials, and journals.
Legal Tracker is the corporate legal industry's most widely used software for managing e-billing, matter management, and performance analytics
Comprehensive software for tax and accounting professionals with advanced preparation capabilities to maximize efficiency and boost firm profitability.
ProLaw enables law firms to fully automate the practice and manage the business of law, so you can focus on growing your business.
Cloud-based tax compliance system for firms and other niche practices with complex clients and workflows to increase productivity and ensure accuracy.
With Thomson Reuters Document Intelligence, lawyers gain immediate insights into their contracts with AI trained by experienced Practical Law editors. By eliminating tedious manual steps, what took days or weeks before now takes seconds. This lets lawyers spend more time on legal work instead of paperwork.
Know today. Navigate tomorrow. In an era of unprecedented change, we are delivering innovative technology and AI that empower professionals to confidently address the complexities of today and the unknowns of tomorrow.