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Thomson Reuters

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2 reviews

Confirmation, now part of Thomson Reuters, is the digital platform and global network trusted by audit firms, banks, law firms, and credit managers to quickly and securely verify financial data.

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Thomson Reuters Data Privacy Advisor

2 reviews

Data Privacy Advisor helps you to better understand global rules and regulations so you can define clear and concise policies; prevent, respond to, and protect against data privacy issues; and provide strategic data protection guidelines to leadership. Using Data Privacy Advisor, you’ll better understand and manage the data protection requirements and issues in the jurisdictions where your company does business.

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CLEAR Adverse Media

2 reviews

Safeguard your organization’s reputation, time and resources by utilizing a defined adverse media screening policy for risk mitigation and fraud prevention. Thomson Reuters CLEAR Adverse Media offers a one stop platform to investigate web and news media pertaining to a specific subject or organization

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Thomson IP Manager

2 reviews

Thomson IP Manager you can manage your IP portfolio by implementing a secure, enterprise-level intellectual asset management solution.

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eDiscovery Point

1 review

eDiscovery Point is a revolutionary new web-based ediscovery software solution. It was designed from the ground up using powerful, modern technology that puts the user back in control over their time and costs with greater speed, accuracy, ease of use, and simplified pricing.

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1 review

SurePrep was founded in 2002 and is the leader in 1040 productivity for CPA firms. We deliver seamless integration with your existing tax software to automate and streamline the entire 1040 process for both the taxpayer and CPA. Our solutions are used by more than 23,000 tax professionals ranging from Big 4 firms to sole practitioners to reduce administrative costs, automate workpaper preparation, maximize review efficiency and improve client service.

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Levvy App

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Levvy is a next generation work management platform built to support outsourced teams of any size across accounting and business services.

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Thomson Reuters Reviews

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Shellie A. W.
Shellie A. W.
QuickBooks Expert Bookkeeper & Certified QuickBooks ProAdvisor
Validated Reviewer
Verified Current User
Review source: Organic

All in one accounting software that actually works

I love love love the integration between all the software.
Azzah Y.
Azzah Y.
Legal Counsel at E-Government National Centre (EGNC)
Validated Reviewer
Review source: G2 invite
Incentivized Review

Clean, concise and accessible

The features are accommodating to a variety of professional legal fields, easily making it a number one choice for most counsels. It has a clean UI and is very easy to navigate.
Tracy C.
Tracy C.
Legal Assistant at Brown & Streza, LLP
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Review source: Organic

I have found that it has its good points and its bad points but still better than the paper file.

There is a certain simplicity to the search/quick find that can be done with both a contact and a matter, so there makes more than one way to skin a cat or find a file. I prefer to do the contact search because it will enable you to see any related Matters, and from there, you can find all related Matters, and of course, the Master matter is a depository for everything. Because this program pairs with Outlook, you can "add-in" emails and documents sent via emails directly to the Matter by using the Matter number. The drag and drop feature is also very nice, making it possible to save a document to the desktop and then drop it right into the Matter under whichever heading it is relating to. It is also possible to have multiple Matters open so that you can jump from place to place or file to file as it were without having to leave your seat or hunt down a physical file. The fact that our nonlawyer IT people can navigate the program is a testiment to the fact that you don't need to be an IT person or a lawyer to be able to do the basic search or create functions. It is also a dream for calendaring appointments, as I have said, it is all inclusive. Under the appointment file folder, once an appointment is set up it will autopopulate to the required participant's Outlook calendar thereby blocking off the time without having to go three seperate places, this program truly ties all of the staff together with one program, even marketing uses ProLaw to schedule events.



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Toronto, CA



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Know today. Navigate tomorrow. In an era of unprecedented change, we are delivering innovative technology and AI that empower professionals to confidently address the complexities of today and the unknowns of tomorrow.


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