I discovered Blogger about 10 years ago. At that time Blogger (and Google) was almost at the start. Nobody told me that I could earn 350 USD /month working every day 30 minutes for 10 years (I discovered this myself). This was (and this still is) the truth about Blogger. Blogger is a platform where you can write about anything in this world. You start to write on a subject the you know the best, and write every day about 500 to 800 words, then publish that post to be visible by everyone on the internet. Then little by little, Google promotes your blog (and your posts) to be read by an increasing number of people. For this you must publish interesting content almost every day. This is what I like the best about Blogger, with 30 minutes of work daily you will earn after 5 to 10 years approximately 350 USD from the ads that blogger will place on your blog (inside the posts that you write).
Blogger has a smaller number of features that Workpress (another blogging platform). Compared to wordpress Blogger is a toy for small childre. However, with Blogger you can start to blog immediatley for free, while with wordpress you have to learn little by little to blog and you have to pay.
My favorite thing about The Blogger Programme is that there is a lot of thought put behind those who get chosen and matched with brands. With something like freelance or youtube, anyone can really get paid to review products and in my opinion that seriously de-credits the review. You might have a major beauty influencer reviewing a Vegan drink because they were paid and they aren't even Vegan. Just an example. TBP matched brands with it's actual users from what I have gathered and therefore the reviews are truly authentic. I like the fact that I reviewing things I actual use and have some education on already. They do a fantastic job at this.
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