Netstock is a Software as a Service company that lives in the cloud, and connects with your ERP system. It provides insights into your Excess Inventory, Surplus Purchase Orders, Fill Rate, Stock outs and Potential Stock outs
Leading Software Tools for Sales & Operations Planning
It has all the collaborative planning features of Smoothie Server, but you pay for it in modest monthly payments and we deploy it for you on high-performing Microsoft or Amazon cloud servers.
Smoothie® Server enables wide scale concurrent use and automates integration with host systems.
Demand Works offers solutions for the desktop, server, and the cloud. Its product range includes forecasting, collaborative demand planning, inventory planning and optimization, and sales and operations planning.
Netstock is a leader in demand and supply planning software, trusted by ,400+ customers globally to optimize their planning. With $ 6B inventory managed by Netstock, the company’s cloud-based solutions enable businesses to be agile, responsive, and profitable. Each solution integrates with leading ERPs, and leverages enhanced analytics so you can quickly respond to market change and make the best supply chain planning decisions for your business.For more information, visit the Netstock website here.