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ITASCA Software

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4 reviews

Griddle offers engineers and scientists both automatic, interactive, and easy-to-use surface meshing and volume grid generation capabilities for FLAC3D, 3DEC, and many other engineering modeling formats, including ABAQUS, ANSYS, NASTRAN, LS-DYNA, VRML, and CSV. Griddle is a plug-in for Rhinoceros 3D (Rhino)* CAD software, leveraging the powerful CAD tools available in Rhino.

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1 review

The Universal Distinct Element Code (UDEC) is a two-dimensional numerical program that simulates the quasi-static or dynamic response to loading of media containing multiple intersecting joint structures. The discontinuous medium is represented as an assemblage of discrete blocks while the discontinuities are treated as boundary conditions between blocks. Large displacements along discontinuities and rotations of blocks can occur. UDEC utilizes an explicit solution scheme that can model complex, nonlinear behaviors.

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3DEC is a three-dimensional numerical modeling code for advanced geotechnical analysis of soil, rock, ground water, structural support, and masonry. 3DEC simulates the response of discontinuous media (such as jointed rock or masonry bricks) that is subject to either static or dynamic loading. The numerical formulation It is based on the distinct element method (DEM) for discontinuum modeling.

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PFC Suite

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PFC (Particle Flow Code) is a general purpose, distinct-element modeling (DEM) framework that is available as two- and three-dimensional programs (PFC2D and PFC3D, respectively). PFC Suite includes both PFC2D and PFC3D. PFC2D can also be purchased separately.

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MassFlow revolutionizes block caving projects by offering unmatched insights into underground mining operations and ore body behavior. When you're developing block caving strategies, optimizing production, or ensuring worker safety in underground mining, MassFlow empowers mining engineers to refine their approaches, predict ore body behavior, and enhance operational efficiency with precision and reliability.

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FLAC2D, Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua, is numerical modeling software for advanced geotechnical analysis of soil, rock, groundwater, and ground support in two dimensions. FLAC is used for analysis, testing, and design by geotechnical, civil, and mining engineers. It is designed to accommodate any kind of geotechnical engineering project that requires continuum analysis. FLAC utilizes an explicit finite difference formulation that can model complex behaviors, such as problems that consist of several stages, large displacements and strains, non-linear material behavior, or unstable systems (even cases of yield/failure over large areas, or total collapse).

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XSite is a powerful three-dimensional hydraulic fracturing numerical simulation program based on the Synthetic Rock Mass (SRM) and Lattice methods. XSite is capable of modeling multiple wellbores with multiple stages and clusters, including open-hole completions and perforation tunnels. XSite resolves general hydraulic fracture interaction, including propagation in naturally fractured reservoirs with deterministically or stochastically generated discrete fracture networks (DFNs). The models conduct fully coupled hydro-mechanical simulations. Fluid flow is simulated as fracture flow within the joint networks and as matrix flow within the intact rock.

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IMAT: a mining toolbox for numerical modeling, seismic analysis, and more. IMAT (ITASCA's Mining Analysis Toolbox) is a cutting-edge geotechnical modeling and seismic analysis toolbox for mining professionals, offering an intuitive interface and powerful numerical tools to streamline complex simulations, optimize designs, perform seismic analysis, and manage risks efficiently.

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Brent S.
Validated Reviewer
Review source: G2 invite
Incentivized Review

Quickly create surface meshes

I am a engineer and I find that what I like most is that Griddle works well with Rhino. The interactive editing tools also let me fine-tune the mesh to ensure precise and saved me the additional steps of using other meshing program.
Michelle C.
Validated Reviewer
Review source: G2 invite
Incentivized Review

Simples and a bit more complex forms

I particularly like about this tool is its compatibility with existing geometry from Rhino. The automatic options are great for clean simple geometries and the interactive ones provide a lot of control when your shapes become more complex.


