Visão Geral de Preços StorPool
StorPool em resumo
Pay-as-you-go pricing on monthly basis. Driver is TB on HDD and TB on SSD. License covers both software and the most extensive list of services on the market.
Unlike other vendors in the industry StorPool do not just deliver a piece of software, they make sure the customer has a working storage solution and their business is up and running. This is why StorPool's license covers the software and all services, needed for the customer to have fast & reliable storage service:
- License to use the software with all current features
- System design assistance - preparing custom high level architecture and hardware selection
- Initial installation through remote access
- Hardware burn-in (stress-test) and performance testing
- Performance tuning
- 24/7 phone and email support
- Non-disruptive scheduled software upgrades through remote access
- Constant monitoring and proactive issue resolution
Preços e planos de StorPool
Principais Alternativas de StorPool Mais Bem Avaliadas
Preços das Alternativas de StorPool
A seguir está uma visão geral das edições oferecidas por outros Soluções de Armazenamento em Nuvem Híbrida
![]() Droplets | A partir de $4.00 | Simples, acessíveis, rápidas máquinas virtuais
GrátisPor Mês |
| |
![]() A100 | Pague Conforme Usar1 Per GPU Por Mês |
Vários preços e planos de alternativas