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Avaliações e Detalhes do Produto de Constructor Practice

Visão geral de Constructor Practice

O que é Constructor Practice?

Constructor Practice is a browser-based coding and IT training platform designed for scalable, interactive learning. Whether you’re running software bootcamps or upskilling programs, Constructor Practice provides a cloud-based lab environment complete with automated assessments, real-time collaboration, and easy performance tracking. With quick setup and integrations, it’s the effortless way to create engaging, code-centric experiences for learners—anytime, anywhere.

Detalhes Constructor Practice
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Descrição do Produto

Constructor Practice is a browser-based coding and IT training platform designed for scalable, interactive learning. Whether you’re running software bootcamps or upskilling programs, Constructor Practice provides a cloud-based lab environment complete with automated assessments, real-time collaboration, and easy performance tracking. With quick setup and integrations, it’s the effortless way to create engaging, code-centric experiences for learners—anytime, anywhere.

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Mídia Constructor Practice

Demo Constructor Practice - Environments
Demo Constructor Practice - Lab settings
Demo Constructor Practice - Labs - main page
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