Visão Geral de Preços CALUMO
Nome | Preço | Recursos |
1 to 50 Users/Month | Cloud |
51 to 100 Users/Month | Cloud |
101 to 200 Users/Month | Cloud |
201 to 300 Users/Month | Cloud |
301+ Users/Month | Cloud |
Preços e planos de CALUMO
No Tricks Some cloud providers will suggest you start with restricted versions of their product in the hope you will upgrade to more expensive versions or buy expensive add-on modules. We don’t. From day 1 CALUMO is fully functional and everything works including mobile, reporting, budgeting and forecasting. Other cloud providers may also insist that all of your users use exactly the same license which means if even one of your people needs more, you have to pay for everyone to have more of what they don’t need. We don’t. we know that some of your users, probably a smaller group, will be power users who fully access CALUMO with MS Office and the web. Others, probably the majority, won’t want direct access to CALUMO through Microsoft Office so we offer you a cheaper license for those users.
No Traps Many Cloud offerings take possession of your data and make it very hard for you to get information out of the Cloud. This is how they trap you into being ‘sticky’. We don’t. At any time you can freely take your information with you. In little more than an hour, you can take your entire CALUMO implementation off the cloud and indoors to CALUMO-on-your-Premises or just take the information you want with you to something entirely different.
No Lock-ins We don’t ask for 12-month commitments. You commit to and pay for CALUMO as you use it, month-to-month. You can decide to stop your service at any time. One of the truly remarkable options you have with CALUMO is to increase your number or type of users at any time then reduce them at a later date. While you can do this at any time we have designed this around classic planning activities where for a short period of time during your business year you may want to substantially increase your users to involve them in a planning or forecasting activity. 3 months after you have increased your number of users you are free to decrease them.
As informações de preços foram atualizadas pela última vez em October 09, 2024Principais Alternativas de CALUMO Mais Bem Avaliadas
Preços das Alternativas de CALUMO
A seguir está uma visão geral das edições oferecidas por outros Software de Gestão de Desempenho Corporativo (CPM)
![]() Essential | Entre em Contato | Capacidades essenciais para apoiar o planejamento e modelagem básicos. Melhor para pequenas e médias empresas.
![]() Professional Plan | Entre em Contato | O Plano Profissional é a maneira mais flexível de começar rapidamente e adicionar à medida que você cresce. O plano inclui: Plataforma de Crescimento, Gerente de Sucesso do Cliente, Suporte Padrão e Portal do Cliente.
![]() 30-DAY TRIAL | $0Free for 30 days |
Vários preços e planos de alternativas