Ao avaliar as duas soluções, os revisores acharam Quizizz mais fácil de usar, configurar e administrar. Também preferiram fazer negócios com Quizizz em geral.
Eu uso frequentemente para criar testes divertidos com meus alunos durante as aulas de terapia da fala e escola dominical. Os alunos adoram porque é interativo e eles podem usar tecnologia. É uma boa verificação de compreensão para eu ver onde eles estão.
Kahoot is very competitive, so often students are guessing just to be the fastest person or accidentally click on wrong answer because the device does not show the question or responses. Students are able to create their own names, which can quickly become...
The library of quiz games .
It's too distracting. There are bad memes after a lot of the questions which slow you down and there are powerups which seem to be the focus but really it degrades the quality of the platform. You can't even go back and change your answers.
Eu uso frequentemente para criar testes divertidos com meus alunos durante as aulas de terapia da fala e escola dominical. Os alunos adoram porque é interativo e eles podem usar tecnologia. É uma boa verificação de compreensão para eu ver onde eles estão.
The library of quiz games .
Kahoot is very competitive, so often students are guessing just to be the fastest person or accidentally click on wrong answer because the device does not show the question or responses. Students are able to create their own names, which can quickly become...
It's too distracting. There are bad memes after a lot of the questions which slow you down and there are powerups which seem to be the focus but really it degrades the quality of the platform. You can't even go back and change your answers.