Ao avaliar as duas soluções, os revisores acharam Snowflake mais fácil de usar e configurar. Também sentiram que Snowflake era mais fácil de fazer negócios em geral. No entanto, sentiram que a administração de ambos os produtos era igualmente fácil.
Bigquery is one of the best database management system that I have used, we can add any number of projects to bigquery and store the data here. The best thing that I like is the console through which we can query the projects data. The data gets updated in...
not supporting lot of other datatypes and not having constraints / primary keys
Facilidade de uso Consulta rápida na memória Resposta rápida a consultas Integração perfeita com dbt [ferramenta de construção de dados] Fácil de aprender e entender Fácil de implementar com pipelines e soluções de engenharia de dados existentes ...
My main disappointment was with their support. We had an issue as soon as we signed a contract and it was about billing which seemed to be pushed off with no urgency and still not completed. Something like this I would have expected to be resolved within...
Bigquery is one of the best database management system that I have used, we can add any number of projects to bigquery and store the data here. The best thing that I like is the console through which we can query the projects data. The data gets updated in...
Facilidade de uso Consulta rápida na memória Resposta rápida a consultas Integração perfeita com dbt [ferramenta de construção de dados] Fácil de aprender e entender Fácil de implementar com pipelines e soluções de engenharia de dados existentes ...
not supporting lot of other datatypes and not having constraints / primary keys
My main disappointment was with their support. We had an issue as soon as we signed a contract and it was about billing which seemed to be pushed off with no urgency and still not completed. Something like this I would have expected to be resolved within...