Ao avaliar as duas soluções, os revisores acharam ambas igualmente fáceis de usar. No entanto, DSMN8 - The Employee Advocacy Platform é mais fácil de configurar, enquanto os revisores preferiram a administração e a facilidade de fazer negócios com Sociabble em geral.
Integration of all articles and the way to compete with other colleges
Não tenho problemas com o DSMN8, é uma ferramenta que utilizo.
A ferramenta é muito intuitiva e fácil de gerenciar.
It took about 8 months to turn on and we still do not have a correctly branded experience for employees (nearly a year later). While sold as a platform for employee social media advocacy, Sociabble is really built for internal communications. We wanted to...
Integration of all articles and the way to compete with other colleges
A ferramenta é muito intuitiva e fácil de gerenciar.
Não tenho problemas com o DSMN8, é uma ferramenta que utilizo.
It took about 8 months to turn on and we still do not have a correctly branded experience for employees (nearly a year later). While sold as a platform for employee social media advocacy, Sociabble is really built for internal communications. We wanted to...