Workflow capabilities is very powerfull using Groovy or Javascript and BPMN syntax Powerful metamodel and easy to customize in order to create your own concept Lineage diagrams can be beautiful and very simple to customize when metamodel is well designed,...
Unfortunately, there are several weak points of Collibra. Very technical and not intuitive User Interface heavily impacts the end user's experience. All people without technical knowledge have many issues at the beginning of their Collibra journey which...
Advanced my undersatnding ot the catalog
IBM Watson knowledge catalog was poorly designed by a group of underpaid developers and marketed by well-compensated demon-vipers.
Workflow capabilities is very powerfull using Groovy or Javascript and BPMN syntax Powerful metamodel and easy to customize in order to create your own concept Lineage diagrams can be beautiful and very simple to customize when metamodel is well designed,...
Advanced my undersatnding ot the catalog
Unfortunately, there are several weak points of Collibra. Very technical and not intuitive User Interface heavily impacts the end user's experience. All people without technical knowledge have many issues at the beginning of their Collibra journey which...
IBM Watson knowledge catalog was poorly designed by a group of underpaid developers and marketed by well-compensated demon-vipers.