Recursos de Software de Gestão Escolar
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Artigos Software de Gestão Escolar
Cybersecurity Concerns Escalate in the Education Industry
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Global Education
Discussões Software de Gestão Escolar
I have 10 - 20 instructors who work with my students. I create all whiteboards, and upload them prior to student/instructor arrival. If a student finishes a whiteboard during a session, the instructor must upload the next whiteboard to the breakout room. I have to manually add every instructor, one-at-a-time, to every whiteboard I create. This is such a waste of time!
I hope this works Please thanks
I know that customer service help is very helpful but I didn’t see if there was someone who was able to translate issues to those who don’t speak English. Just looking to make things inclusive :)