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Melhor Empresas de Desenvolvimento de Aplicativos Móveis

Adam Crivello
Pesquisado e escrito por Adam Crivello

O desenvolvimento de aplicativos móveis, ou desenvolvimento de apps móveis, é o processo de projetar e construir aplicativos móveis para uso interno ou externo que desempenham uma função ou funções específicas benéficas para o usuário. As empresas de desenvolvimento de apps móveis oferecem serviços ao longo de todo o ciclo de produção. Esses desenvolvedores são geralmente contratados por empresas para auxiliar em projetos que a equipe de desenvolvimento interna não consegue concluir sozinha. As empresas lançam aplicativos móveis por uma variedade de razões, e os aplicativos podem fornecer um serviço útil aos usuários ou simplesmente servir como uma extensão de um site ou software.

Os aplicativos móveis podem ser desenvolvidos especificamente para certos sistemas operacionais de smartphones, como iOS ou Android, ou desenvolvidos com funcionalidade igual em múltiplas plataformas. Um número crescente de empresas de desenvolvimento também está oferecendo serviços para apps vestíveis e a internet das coisas (IoT). Para construir ou manter aplicativos móveis internamente, as empresas podem utilizar software de desenvolvimento móvel.

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2345 Listagens disponíveis em Desenvolvimento de Aplicativos Móveis

Prestador de Serviços

(39)5.0 de 5
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Descrição do Provedor
Esta descrição é fornecida pelo vendedor.

A Suffescom Solutions é uma empresa premiada que constrói soluções de TI usando a tecnologia mais recente para criar soluções digitais personalizadas orientadas para negócios que trazem resultados tan

Preço de Entrada:Entre em Contato
Indústrias Atendidas
  • Entertainment
  • Information Technology and Services
Provedor Trabalha Com
  • 64% Pequena Empresa
  • 31% Médio Porte
  • 5% Empresa
Serviços OferecidosInformação
Nenhuma informação disponível

Prestador de Serviços

(26)5.0 de 5
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Descrição do Provedor
Esta descrição é fornecida pelo vendedor.

Foreignerds é uma agência digital premiada que se especializa em desenvolvimento de aplicativos web e móveis, recursos virtuais e serviços de marketing digital. Desde que nosso centro de desenvolvimen

  • Visão Geral
    Expandir/Recolher Visão Geral
  • Indústrias Atendidas
    • Information Technology and Services
    • Marketing and Advertising
    Provedor Trabalha Com
    • 69% Pequena Empresa
    • 15% Empresa
    • 15% Médio Porte
    Serviços OferecidosInformação
    • web development
    • mobile app development
    • UI/UX design
  • Expertise em Software
    Expandir/Recolher Expertise em Software
  • Produtos Mais Bem Avaliados que Correspondem à Expertise Foreignerds Inc.Informação
Indústrias Atendidas
  • Information Technology and Services
  • Marketing and Advertising
Provedor Trabalha Com
  • 69% Pequena Empresa
  • 15% Empresa
  • 15% Médio Porte
Serviços OferecidosInformação
  • web development
  • mobile app development
  • UI/UX design
Produtos Mais Bem Avaliados que Correspondem à Expertise Foreignerds Inc.Informação

Veja como as Ofertas G2 podem ajudar você:

  • Compre facilmente software selecionado - e confiável
  • Assuma o controle de sua jornada de compra de software
  • Descubra ofertas exclusivas de software

Prestador de Serviços

(36)4.2 de 5
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Descrição do Provedor
Esta descrição é fornecida pelo vendedor.

Chetu é uma empresa de desenvolvimento de software com sede nos EUA que fornece soluções de software de classe mundial específicas para a indústria a empresas em todo o mundo. Combinando expertise te

  • Visão Geral
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  • Indústrias Atendidas
    Nenhuma informação disponível
    Provedor Trabalha Com
    • 58% Pequena Empresa
    • 56% Médio Porte
    • 39% Empresa
    Serviços OferecidosInformação
    • UKG, NetSuite, AWS, AI/ML
  • Expertise em Software
    Expandir/Recolher Expertise em Software
Indústrias Atendidas
Nenhuma informação disponível
Provedor Trabalha Com
  • 58% Pequena Empresa
  • 56% Médio Porte
  • 39% Empresa
Serviços OferecidosInformação
  • UKG, NetSuite, AWS, AI/ML

Prestador de Serviços

(24)4.9 de 5
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Descrição do Provedor
Esta descrição é fornecida pelo vendedor.

A Net Solutions é uma empresa global de tecnologia digital que ajuda marcas a aproveitar design, análise e engenharia para criar experiências significativas e personalizadas para clientes na web, disp

  • Visão Geral
    Expandir/Recolher Visão Geral
  • Indústrias Atendidas
    • Computer Software
    Provedor Trabalha Com
    • 75% Pequena Empresa
    • 13% Empresa
    • 13% Médio Porte
    Serviços OferecidosInformação
    Nenhuma informação disponível
  • Expertise em Software
    Expandir/Recolher Expertise em Software
  • Produtos Mais Bem Avaliados que Correspondem à Expertise Net SolutionsInformação
Indústrias Atendidas
  • Computer Software
Provedor Trabalha Com
  • 75% Pequena Empresa
  • 13% Empresa
  • 13% Médio Porte
Serviços OferecidosInformação
Nenhuma informação disponível
Produtos Mais Bem Avaliados que Correspondem à Expertise Net SolutionsInformação

Prestador de Serviços

(27)5.0 de 5
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Descrição do Provedor
Esta descrição é fornecida pelo vendedor.

Glorium Technologies é uma empresa de desenvolvimento de aplicativos e software de ciclo completo que atende às necessidades específicas de negócios dos clientes e tenta gerenciá-las por meio das melh

  • Visão Geral
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  • Indústrias Atendidas
    • Health, Wellness and Fitness
    • Real Estate
    Provedor Trabalha Com
    • 74% Pequena Empresa
    • 26% Médio Porte
    Serviços OferecidosInformação
    • Custom Software Developme
    • AI Development
    • Digital Transformation
  • Expertise em Software
    Expandir/Recolher Expertise em Software
  • Produtos Mais Bem Avaliados que Correspondem à Expertise Glorium TechnologiesInformação
Indústrias Atendidas
  • Health, Wellness and Fitness
  • Real Estate
Provedor Trabalha Com
  • 74% Pequena Empresa
  • 26% Médio Porte
Serviços OferecidosInformação
  • Custom Software Developme
  • AI Development
  • Digital Transformation
Produtos Mais Bem Avaliados que Correspondem à Expertise Glorium TechnologiesInformação

Prestador de Serviços

(33)4.9 de 5
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Descrição do Provedor
Esta descrição é fornecida pelo vendedor.

Fornecemos às empresas de SaaS aceleração de produtos de software por meio de rápida implementação, eficiência orçamentária e aproveitamento de talentos latino-americanos de ponta. Com mais de 20 anos

Preço de Entrada:A partir de $35.00
Indústrias Atendidas
  • Computer Software
  • Airlines/Aviation
Provedor Trabalha Com
  • 85% Pequena Empresa
  • 15% Médio Porte
Serviços OferecidosInformação
  • Software Outsourcing
  • Product Creation
  • Product Acceleration

Prestador de Serviços

(39)5.0 de 5
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Descrição do Provedor
Esta descrição é fornecida pelo vendedor.

Construir aplicativos é difícil... quando você está distraído. Ao contratar uma equipe de desenvolvimento de aplicativos ou web para criar software personalizado, uma variável importa mais: os desenv

Preço de Entrada:$13,800.00
Indústrias Atendidas
  • Computer Software
Provedor Trabalha Com
  • 85% Pequena Empresa
  • 15% Médio Porte
Serviços OferecidosInformação
  • Mobile App Development
  • Web App Development
  • Software Development

Prestador de Serviços

(24)4.8 de 5
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Descrição do Provedor
Esta descrição é fornecida pelo vendedor.

Tapptitude é um Product Studio que faz parceria com startups financiadas e marcas estabelecidas para construir produtos digitais interativos, com foco em dispositivos móveis, que as pessoas adoram usa

Indústrias Atendidas
Nenhuma informação disponível
Provedor Trabalha Com
  • 71% Pequena Empresa
  • 25% Médio Porte
Serviços OferecidosInformação
  • UX & UI Design
  • Mobile Development
  • Web & Backend Development

Prestador de Serviços

(23)4.7 de 5
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Descrição do Provedor
Esta descrição é fornecida pelo vendedor.

Estamos felizes em anunciar que agora somos um Parceiro de Consultoria Gold da Salesforce e um Membro da Salesforce Talent Alliance. A Algoworks é uma empresa provedora de serviços de TI B2B que possu

  • Visão Geral
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  • Indústrias Atendidas
    • Information Technology and Services
    Provedor Trabalha Com
    • 48% Médio Porte
    • 30% Empresa
    • 26% Pequena Empresa
    Serviços OferecidosInformação
    Nenhuma informação disponível
  • Expertise em Software
    Expandir/Recolher Expertise em Software
Indústrias Atendidas
  • Information Technology and Services
Provedor Trabalha Com
  • 48% Médio Porte
  • 30% Empresa
  • 26% Pequena Empresa
Serviços OferecidosInformação
Nenhuma informação disponível

Prestador de Serviços

(17)4.9 de 5
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Descrição do Provedor
Esta descrição é fornecida pelo vendedor.

AppsChopper é um provedor de serviços de desenvolvimento de aplicativos com escritórios em Nova York, Boston e Walpole. Temos atendido clientes com design e desenvolvimento de aplicativos inovadores d

Preço de Entrada:A partir de $25,000.00
Indústrias Atendidas
Nenhuma informação disponível
Provedor Trabalha Com
  • 82% Pequena Empresa
  • 18% Médio Porte
Serviços OferecidosInformação
Nenhuma informação disponível

Prestador de Serviços

(16)5.0 de 5
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Descrição do Provedor
Esta descrição é fornecida pelo vendedor.

A EBS Integrator é uma casa de desenvolvimento de software que concentra sua energia em fornecer experiências digitais excepcionais para cada parte interessada, em um ritmo acelerado. A empresa impul

Preço de Entrada:50 EUR /hour
Indústrias Atendidas
  • Marketing and Advertising
Provedor Trabalha Com
  • 81% Pequena Empresa
  • 19% Médio Porte
Serviços OferecidosInformação
Nenhuma informação disponível

Prestador de Serviços

(15)4.4 de 5
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Descrição do Provedor
Esta descrição é fornecida pelo vendedor.

FlutterFlow é uma plataforma de desenvolvimento de aplicativos visuais que oferece uma experiência de desenvolvimento de baixo código para aplicativos nativos iOS, Android e web, enquanto fornece o có

Indústrias Atendidas
  • Computer Software
Provedor Trabalha Com
  • 93% Pequena Empresa
  • 7% Médio Porte
Serviços OferecidosInformação
Nenhuma informação disponível

Prestador de Serviços

(14)4.0 de 5
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Indústrias Atendidas
Nenhuma informação disponível
Provedor Trabalha Com
  • 50% Pequena Empresa
  • 43% Médio Porte
  • 7% Empresa
Serviços OferecidosInformação
Nenhuma informação disponível

Prestador de Serviços

(14)4.8 de 5
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Descrição do Provedor
Esta descrição é fornecida pelo vendedor.

Os experientes desenvolvedores de software da Appinop ajudam instituições e organizações a otimizar seu fluxo de trabalho e gerenciar seus produtos e serviços de forma inovadora.

Indústrias Atendidas
  • Computer Software
Provedor Trabalha Com
  • 50% Pequena Empresa
  • 43% Médio Porte
  • 14% Empresa
Serviços OferecidosInformação
Nenhuma informação disponível

Prestador de Serviços

(15)4.1 de 5
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Descrição do Provedor
Esta descrição é fornecida pelo vendedor.

XPO online é uma plataforma de networking profissional e empresarial projetada para ajudar profissionais de negócios a superar os desafios que enfrentam em suas funções.

Indústrias Atendidas
Nenhuma informação disponível
Provedor Trabalha Com
  • 47% Empresa
  • 27% Pequena Empresa
  • 20% Médio Porte
Serviços OferecidosInformação
Nenhuma informação disponível

Fatos Rápidos sobre Empresas de Desenvolvimento de Aplicativos Móveis

O conteúdo abaixo é atual até Junho, 2024
Summary of Reviews

Mobile App Development Services Reviews Summary

There are 2,263 Mobile App Development companies and professionals listed on G2. All of these service providers have been thoroughly reviewed by current and former clients and customers here on G2. Below are data and excerpts from 74 detailed reviews of Mobile App Development service providers. These reviews and ratings have been generated from qualitative and quantitative feedback to help you compare and research the best service providers for your needs.

Below are the most popular Mobile App Development service providers based on ratings and quantity of reviews:

Mobile App Development Services Review Snippets

Below you will find answers to questions we ask to all G2 users about the most popular Mobile App Development service providers. Use these responses to gain further insight into some of the most reviewed Mobile App Development service providers on G2.
Questions Responses
Here is what users liked best about these popular Mobile App Development service providers.
Trigma: "Project management and on time delivery."
- Aniyan T., Business Development Executive, Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Suffescom Solutions Inc: "The team is technologically sound. They found the best way to make the website as high performing and as per the standards we agreed upon."
- Jean G., Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Capital Numbers: "They always deliver with high quality and good service."
- Marcello R., Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Here is what users disliked about these popular Mobile App Development service providers.
BYTRIX technologies: "Those who have access to the Apple Developer website definitely do not need this "program"."
- Denis G., Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Crest: "average salary and longer working time when is it demanded"
- Jeffrey P., Sales Engineer, Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Vinfotech: "They don't respond for anything and they will not deliver the product lifelong"
- Damodar V., Get Inspections Done with , Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
This is what users recommend to others considering these popular Mobile App Development service providers.
Suffescom Solutions Inc: "If you are looking for any kind of AI web development or app development, then with respect to my experience, it is the best firm that can listen to your query carefully and will deliver proper resolutions."
- Jean G., Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Trigma: "I recommend Trigma to everyone who are looking to develop an app"
- Aniyan T., Business Development Executive, Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Glorium Technologies: "The project we did with Glorium Technologies involved an entire development cycle. They created a multifunctional app for our clients, did quality control, and fixed the bugs they found."
- Imogen W., Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
These are the problems users said these service providers were solving and how it is benefitting them.
Trigma: "My application was delivered successfully along with the source code. Application is running in great progress with its advanced features ."
- Aniyan T., Business Development Executive, Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Suffescom Solutions Inc: "JG Capital is an AI-based trading platform and required a website that replicated the modern and technologically advanced theme of the project. They are fit our requirements and delivered as discussed during the meetings."
- Jean G., Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Capital Numbers: "Capital helps our company grow!"
- Marcello R., Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Reviews by Industry

Mobile App Development Reviews by Industry

There are currently 2,263 different Mobile App Development companies and professionals reviewed on G2. Past users and clients of these Mobile App Development service providers come from 10 different industries. This variety helps build reviews and provider data with information and details to help you determine which Mobile App Development service provider might be a good fit for your business. The most common industries using Mobile App Development service providers reviewed on G2 are Information Technology and Services, Computer Software, Marketing and Advertising, Financial Services, and Health, Wellness and Fitness.

Industry-Related FAQs for Mobile App Development Service Providers

FAQs About Mobile App Development Service Providers from Information Technology and Services Professionals

What are the best Mobile App Development service providers according to Information Technology and Services industry professionals and based on the overall G2 rating scale?

The Mobile App Development companies and professionals with the most reviews and rated highest by Information Technology and Services professionals are FlutterFlow (4.4 stars and 15 reviews), Trigma (4.9 stars and 9 reviews), and Helpful Insight Pvt. Ltd. (5 stars and 4 reviews).

What are the lowest-rated Mobile App Development service providers according to Information Technology and Services industry professionals and based on the overall G2 rating scale?

The lowest-rated Mobile App Development service providers for people in the Information Technology and Services industry are Limitless (2 stars), MentorMate (3 stars), and Packetworx (3 stars).

Are there other more specific capabilities Mobile App Development providers offer that are rated highly by those in the Information Technology and Services industry?
  • Go Live Support is a specific Support capability with an average 96% rating.
  • Admin Services is a specific Support capability with an average 96% rating.
  • Stayed within Budget is a specific Planning capability with an average 96% rating.

Mobile App Development Service Providers Review Snippets from Information Technology and Services Professionals

127 Information Technology and Services professionals have a lot to say about the Mobile App Development service providers here on G2. Check out some of the reviews for the highest-rated providers on G2 from current and former Mobile App Development company users and clients.

What Information Technology and Services Professionals Liked What Information Technology and Services Professionals Disliked
Algoworks: The team manages projects amazingly and their way of working is great. They delivered our project in time.
- Aliyah M., Contributing Author at, Mid-Market (51-1000 emp.)
Droids On Roids: Using native apps is somehow a bad idea. Even in the time, we did the project, mobile platforms for developing one source code for both platforms existed.
- Nicolas J., All you need for running your e-business, Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Trigma: Their technicality impressed and how well everything was managed impressed us the most. Trigma did the whole project in the budget, which was very important. Their response time also impressed us a lot and their good communication skills.
- rohan r., Digital Marketing Executive at Deftsoft, Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Limitless: Less payments and routine questions. Too much effort but less payments.
- Devasheesh S., Senior Associate Quality Control at Synechron, Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)

Mobile App Development Service Provider FAQs from Computer Software Industry Professionals

What Mobile App Development service providers do professionals from the Computer Software industry prefer?

The Mobile App Development service providers with the most reviews that Computer Software professionals rate the highest are FlutterFlow (4.4 stars and 15 reviews), Dark Bears (4.4 stars and 4 reviews), and You are launched (5 stars and 3 reviews).

What Mobile App Development companies do professionals from the Computer Software industry like the least based on the overall G2 rating scale?

The Mobile App Development service providers Computer Software professionals rate the lowest are Appinventiv (2.8 stars), CloudIO (3 stars), and Accenture Song (formerly Fjord) (3.8 stars).

Are there any more specific capabilities offered by Mobile App Development providers that people in the Computer Software industry love?
  • Best Practices is a specific Planning capability with an average 97% rating
  • Technology Partnerships is a specific Team Quality capability with an average 95% rating
  • Executive Presence is a specific Team Quality capability with an average 95% rating

Mobile App Development Company Reviews from Computer Software Professionals

Below you will find what 112 Computer Software users have to say about the Mobile App Development service providers with the highest G2 score ratings and the most reviews.

What Computer Software Professionals Liked What Computer Software Professionals Disliked
Teravision Technologies: Their team members, highly skilled resources
- Yousef Y., Mid-Market (51-1000 emp.)
FlutterFlow: Customer service is unbelievably bad. I've had to deal with them a few times in the last few months and it's getting worse and worse.
- Lou M., Node Technologies, Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)

Mobile App Development Company FAQs from Marketing and Advertising Industry Professionals

What are the best Mobile App Development service providers according to experts from the Marketing and Advertising industry?

The Mobile App Development service providers with the most reviews that Marketing and Advertising professionals rate the highest are Trigma (4.9 stars and 9 reviews), You are launched (5 stars and 3 reviews), and Sloboda Studio (4.8 stars and 3 reviews).

Which Mobile App Development providers do Marketing and Advertising industry experts like the least?

Crest (2.2 stars), Techugo (3.8 stars), and Codal (4 stars) are the lowest-rated Mobile App Development service providers for Marketing and Advertising.

Which specific Mobile App Development provider capabilities are rated highest by Marketing and Advertising industry professionals?
  • Executive Presence is a specific Team Quality feature with an average rating of 98%.

  • Best Practices is a specific Planning feature with an average rating of 98%.

  • Technical Expertise is a specific Delivery feature with an average rating of 98%.

Mobile App Development Review Snippets by Marketing and Advertising Professionals

61 Marketing and Advertising professionals have provided reviews for Mobile App Development service providers on G2. Find out what they had to say about the Mobile App Development companies with the highest G2 score ratings and the most reviews.

What Marketing and Advertising Professionals Liked What Marketing and Advertising Professionals Disliked
Third Eye Infosystems: Can boost our technical part and helping our developer as well
- atul g., Senior Sales Consultant, OTP SMS | APIs | SMS Reseller & Aggregator | A2P SMS | SaaS | CPaaS | VAS, Mid-Market (51-1000 emp.)
Crest: Already shared in one section, go to the top and read it; you can judge how the Crest is
- Soumen M., Founder, Mid-Market (51-1000 emp.)
Capital Numbers: They always deliver with high quality and good service.
- Marcello R., Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
MobileAppz: Salary issue, is not privided from time to time
- Mary Jane R., Co-founder| ClientMatics💻 Helping career coaches grow their revenue and influence by writing emails that turn prospects into clients thru my EEP Strategy📧✨| Conversion Copywriter, Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Reviews by Market Segment

Mobile App Development Service Provider Reviews by Market Segment

On G2, Mobile App Development service providers have been reviewed by professionals from businesses of varying sizes. Whether from a small business, a mid-market company, or an enterprise corporation, each reviewer has their own distinct set of experiences and requirements with the 2,263 Mobile App Development companies here on G2. 60.5% of Mobile App Development company and provider reviews on G2 are from users working in small businesses, 28.1% of users are from mid-market companies, and 11% work at enterprise companies.

Market segments on G2 are broken down based on employee count as follows:

See how professionals from different market segments rate Mobile App Development businesses and their services below.

Mobile App Development FAQs by Market Segment

Mobile App Development Service Provider FAQs from Enterprise Companies

What are the highest rated Mobile App Development service providers for enterprise companies, based on the overall G2 rating scale?

The Mobile App Development service providers rated the highest by enterprise companies are Trigma (4.9 stars and 9 reviews), Sequent (4.8 stars and 2 reviews), and P Development (5 stars and 1 reviews).

What are the lowest rated Mobile App Development service providers for professionals at enterprise companies, based on the overall G2 rating scale?

The lowest rated Mobile App Development service providers on G2 are Move Closer (3 stars), DRC Infotech (3.3 stars), and Tivix (3.5 stars).

What are some more specific Mobile App Development capabilities that are rated highest by professionals in enterprise companies?
  • Resource Allocation is a specific Planning capability with an average rating of 92%.
  • Go Live Support is a specific Support capability with an average rating of 91%.
  • Admin Services is a specific Support capability with an average rating of 91%.

Mobile App Development Company Review Snippets from Professionals at Enterprise Companies

Professionals at enterprise companies share important information about Mobile App Development company services, pricing, and more. Read what these users have to say about the top-rated Mobile App Development service providers on G2.

What Enterprise Business Professionals Liked What Enterprise Business Professionals Disliked
Cognizant: The team is always looking for creative ways to meet the requirement and solve issues.
- Manan K., Consultant, Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)
Cognizant: I understand it's not a retirement company. I don't know if anyone continue to work for long.
- Dipesh S., Senior Solutions Architect, Enterprise (> 1000 emp.)

Mobile App Development Service Provider FAQs from Mid-Market Professionals

What are the top Mobile App Development service providers according to professionals at mid-market companies, based on the overall G2 rating scale?

Mobile App Development service provider users at mid-market companies rate FlutterFlow (4.4 stars and 15 reviews), Trigma (4.9 stars and 9 reviews), and Quytech (5 stars and 4 reviews) as the top Mobile App Development companies on the market.

Which Mobile App Development providers are not well-rated by reviewers from mid-market companies, based on the overall G2 rating scale?

Codigo (1 stars), Crest (2.2 stars), and Zestminds (2.5 stars) are the lowest rated Mobile App Development businesses according to mid-market company professionals on G2.

What are some more detailed Mobile App Development service capabilities that people at mid-market companies rate highly?
  • Vertical Expertise is a specific Team Quality service with an average rating of 98%.
  • Executive Presence is a specific Team Quality service with an average rating of 98%.
  • Change Management Skills is a specific Team Quality service with an average rating of 98%.

Mobile App Development Service Provider Review Snippets from Mid-Market Company Professionals

Read what some of the 285 professionals from mid-market companies are saying about the top Mobile App Development service providers on G2.

What Midsize Business Professionals Liked What Midsize Business Professionals Disliked
Trigma: Their responsibility and expertise in developing app.
- Sapna K., Technical Content Writer at Webomaze Pty Ltd, Mid-Market (51-1000 emp.)
Crest: Already shared in one section, go to the top and read it; you can judge how the Crest is
- Soumen M., Founder, Mid-Market (51-1000 emp.)
Chetu: Agile to deliver features to our web app, for a short period of time, glad to have a partnership with Chetu. We are grateful for the quality of project management ,software development and technical support from the Chetu team.
- Darryl N., Mid-Market (51-1000 emp.)
Codigo: There was a lot of downtimes. We would often get calls from branches telling us the TVs weren't working.
- Gary N., CFMP, Senior Marketing Specialist at Riverview Community Bank, Mid-Market (51-1000 emp.)
Suffescom Solutions Inc: The best thing about working with Suffescom is that they were accommodating with every project step. The project was completed within the given timeframe with the features and functionalities as discussed.
- Damilola A., Product Manager at Starbox Technologies, Mid-Market (51-1000 emp.)
OneSix: The complexity in which the SSIS migration processes were built, makes it very hard to support it, and it is very fragile as far as stability. A small issue with the data integrity makes the entire process to collapse and system being down.
- Derek Z., Mid-Market (51-1000 emp.)

Mobile App Development Service Provider FAQs from Small Business Professionals

What are the top Mobile App Development service providers for small businesses?

Users from small businesses rate the following as the best Mobile App Development service providers: FlutterFlow (4.4 stars and 15 reviews), Trigma (4.9 stars and 9 reviews), and RisingMax Inc (5 stars and 5 reviews).

What Mobile App Development service providers for small businesses are rated lowest?

For small business owners and professionals, the lowest rated Mobile App Development service providers are xplan (1.8 stars), Limitless (2 stars), and Crest (2.2 stars).

Are there any particular Mobile App Development capabilities that small business professionals rate highly?
  • Executive Presence is a Team Quality capability rated an average of 98%.
  • Best Practices is a Planning capability rated an average of 98%.
  • Vertical Expertise is a Team Quality capability rated an average of 97%.

Review Snippets of Mobile App Development Service Providers from Small Business Professionals

See what 613 small business owners, employees, and other users have to say about the 2,263 Mobile App Development service providers reviewed on G2. Compare reviews and product information to find the best Mobile App Development company for your small business.

What Small Business Professionals Liked What Small Business Professionals Disliked
Capital Numbers: They always deliver with high quality and good service.
- Marcello R., Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
BYTRIX technologies: Those who have access to the Apple Developer website definitely do not need this "program".
- Denis G., Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Suffescom Solutions Inc: The team is technologically sound. They found the best way to make the website as high performing and as per the standards we agreed upon.
- Jean G., Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Appinventiv: At first, I thought it would be a good idea to hire AppInventiv to complete our App because they are a big company with many resources. What I wish I knew was that the quality of code that they produce is definitely not up to regular standards.
- Richy O., Tech Entrepreneur/Investor, Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Teravision Technologies: They have access to some of the best talent in South America across a broad spectrum of skills such as DevOps, data engineering, and UX.
- Zubair N., Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Techugo: Poor engineers who do not know how to design complex solutions. As a startup entrepreneur, the most important thing we look for in a 3rd party development team is to release good code really fast. However, their team took more than 1 year to release a beta app and website, that too with a convoluted schema design, bad APIs written, and really awful development practices followed for both frontend as well as backend.
- Albin J., Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
Reviews by Features

Mobile App Development Company Reviews by Featured Services

2,263 Mobile App Development companies on G2 offer different services, all of which contribute to the client and customer experience of these service providers. These professional services and capabilities are individually rated and critiqued throughout the 1,833 reviews created by G2 users. These scores and detailed feedback can help you determine if a particular Mobile App Development company has the expertise that will be best for your business.

Mobile App Development service providers reviewed on G2 have a variety of capabilities and offerings. Below we’ve listed the highest-rated capabilities of Mobile App Development service providers along with some of the core attributes that help make these capabilities some of the most valuable:

  • Team Quality (95% avg. rating)
    • Vertical Expertise (95% avg. rating)
    • Executive Presence (95% avg. rating)
    • Technology Partnerships (94% avg. rating)
  • Planning (95% avg. rating)
    • Best Practices (96% avg. rating)
    • Stayed within Budget (95% avg. rating)
    • Statement of Work (95% avg. rating)
  • Delivery (95% avg. rating)
    • Technical Expertise (96% avg. rating)
    • Scope Management (95% avg. rating)
    • Roll-out (95% avg. rating)
  • Support (93% avg. rating)
    • Admin Services (95% avg. rating)
    • Go Live Support (94% avg. rating)
    • Metrics (93% avg. rating)

To help you find the Mobile App Development service provider that meets your business needs, below you will find answers to frequently asked questions about the best Mobile App Development companies that have the services mentioned above.

What are the best Mobile App Development providers offering Team Quality?
What are the best Mobile App Development providers offering Planning?
Which Mobile App Development service providers are the best rated based on Delivery capabilities?
Which Mobile App Development service providers offer the best Support?
What specific Mobile App Development provider capabilities have been reviewed most on G2?
  • Technical Expertise - 224 G2 Reviews
  • Scope Management - 193 G2 Reviews
  • Resource Allocation - 188 G2 Reviews
  • Stayed within Budget - 184 G2 Reviews
  • Best Practices - 183 G2 Reviews
Learn more about the various Mobile App Development services and capabilities that G2 reviewers like best and least for the top-rated Mobile App Development companies.
Provider Highest Rated Provider Capabilities Lowest Rated Provider Capabilities
Suffescom Solutions Inc Here are the provider capabilities users love the most about Suffescom Solutions Inc:
  • Team Quality
  • Support
Here are the provider capabilities users love the least about Suffescom Solutions Inc:
  • Delivery
  • Planning
Designli Here are the provider capabilities users love the most about Designli:
  • Team Quality
  • Planning
Here are the provider capabilities users love the least about Designli:
  • Delivery
  • Support
Trigma Here are the provider capabilities users love the most about Trigma:
  • Delivery
  • Support
Here are the provider capabilities users love the least about Trigma:
  • Team Quality
  • Planning
AppsChopper Here are the provider capabilities users love the most about AppsChopper:
  • Team Quality
  • Delivery
Here are the provider capabilities users love the least about AppsChopper:
  • Support
  • Planning
Teravision Technologies Here are the provider capabilities users love the most about Teravision Technologies:
  • Planning
  • Team Quality
Here are the provider capabilities users love the least about Teravision Technologies:
  • Support
  • Delivery