It is very simple and beautiful to use. Documentation successful. It allows you to access data about users and tweets in detail. With Pandas you can easily print data to Excel. Filtering is pretty simple. Review collected by and hosted on
My API key was revoked for no reason. Demographics would be nice though. Limits are low. Review collected by and hosted on
It suggests and automates pretty good accounts to follow / unfollow or message.
The interface is simple enough, just 3 actions, resulting in easy to understand instructions even for a first time user. Review collected by and hosted on
It does not have a FAQ page or advanced actions i can take for example, why does tweepi suggest i follow this account?
Under the "Follow Recommendations" Page, the button "Neither" can be confusing as to what it means.
I think Tweepi can work on its ux writing to help users understand the wordings used better. Review collected by and hosted on
The ability to type in a twitter user's handle and see all their followers and your relationship with users (whether you follow them and when, whether they follow you, whether there is a mutual follow). Review collected by and hosted on
When Following A Certain User's Followers: The ability to sort is only applicable to the page that you are currently viewing. As such, it makes it difficult to keep track of which users you have already seen, where you last left off, and who new followers are. Review collected by and hosted on
The unfollow feature is probably the best though you'll want to get silver or premium to get the most out of it. Review collected by and hosted on
Tweepi is not as effective as it was. I was a user in 2015 and recently returned. Due to Twitter's API restrictions, I was upset to find that I could only add people to lists and only then I could follow users manually on On top of that, I was restricted in even adding users to lists by Twitter. If you can't get past Twitters restrictions, this platform is useless - which is unfortunately because it was a great tool in 2015! Review collected by and hosted on
Tweepi has made adjustments over the years and had some changes due to twitter limitations. Interface via mobile is easy to use and allows for quick interactions and updates Review collected by and hosted on
Curation of possible contacts seems a bit stale, It does find lots of folks by doing searches to find possible contacts. It's been hit or miss on overall growth Review collected by and hosted on
It's practical if you are simply looking for a quick review of your twitter friends/followers. You can also use Tweepi to follow certain people on lists. You can also follow any friends of folks you follow. It may sound confusing at first, but once you dig around and get to know the platform, it can be very helpful in getting targeted followers. Review collected by and hosted on
The Free version doesn't really allow you to use too many of the tools. It is sufficient if you are simply looking for your follow/following ratio. Review collected by and hosted on
I most appreciate Tweepi's suspension prevention feature. It is knowledgable on the up-to-date algorithm for Twitter and ensures you do not get suspended by unfollowing/following too many people in a single day. Review collected by and hosted on
It scrolls down as you press "Follow" or "Unfollow," which is great, but sometimes it can be slow to register. Review collected by and hosted on
Tweepi helps me grow my presence on Twitter by following new members. The "Follow Followers" tool is a great way to follow people who have similar interests, and in turn, grow your own followers count. I like how you can see when you followed/unfollowed someone to avoid repeatedly having the same interactions with the same users. The dashboard is a really simple way to get an idea of your current followers count, who doesn't follow you back and who you don't follow. Review collected by and hosted on
I wish Tweepi would add more functions to their free version. I would like to be able to follow people based on recently-used hashtags or interests, however this is reserved for paying users. The "Tweet Search" and "User Search" tools would be especially helpful. Review collected by and hosted on
You can do massive following easy, you can follow your follower's followers Review collected by and hosted on
As soon as you do a massive following, Twitter block your account and you have to prove that your account isn't a robot. Review collected by and hosted on
Massive follow tools. But everytime i use it, Twitter thinks im a robot and block my account. so... Review collected by and hosted on
The fact that every time i use it, Twitter thinks im a robot and block my account. Review collected by and hosted on