Factors that may impact cost include: frequency of the research, specific qualitative or quantitative needs, the scope and scale of your reporting needs, and complexity of reaching your target group(s).
We take a pragmatic and transparent approach to pricing, including reducing costs to you whenever possible. We’re also committed to meeting you where you are and will offer creative options based on your needs, as well.
Individual qual/quant projects: Typically start around $25k and may go up from there depending on your needs.
Point-in-time tracking programs: Pricing reflects a more robust approach and higher value. For example, customer experience tracking programs may start in the $50-75k range and could go up to $250k depending on your needs, goals, and timeline.
Continuous tracking programs: For example, high-frequency customer or brand relationship tracking programs integrating company-wide data – can start at $300k and could go up to the $2M range, depending on a variety of factors.
The DRG pricing & plans