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LetsExchange Reviews & Product Details

Juffin H.
Small-Business(50 or fewer emp.)
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Verified Current User
Review source: Organic
What do you like best about LetsExchange?

This service supports the largest number of cryptocurrencies, among all the services that I used. I really like that I can always find here coins and tokens I'm interested in and exchange them without any limits! Review collected by and hosted on

What do you dislike about LetsExchange?

Strange design and high limits for minimum amount for exchange. I'd like to have ability to swap 30-40 EUR, but can't do it cuz of limitations. Hope they can fix this and allow users to create swap for 10+ EUR Review collected by and hosted on

What problems is LetsExchange solving and how is that benefiting you?

They helped me to exchange one crypto to another through their simple widget. I tried to find SafeMoon and CCD at other services, but only LetsExchange has them. So I decided to try LetsExchange and happy about that Review collected by and hosted on

LetsExchange Overview

What is LetsExchange?

LetsExchange is a go-to crypto exchange hub supporting over 5,000 cryptocurrencies — the largest number of assets available on the market. With deep liquidity, cross-chain swaps, bridge, and a comprehensive suite of features including on- & off-ramp, DEX, and swift and secure transactions, LetsExchange offers a powerful and user-friendly platform for both novice and experienced traders.

LetsExchange Details
Languages Supported
English, French, Dutch, Spanish
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Product Description

LetsExchange is an instant crypto exchange service. As for the date, we support 4500+ cryptocurrencies and 21+ mln trading pairs, DEX and cross-chain exchanges for the same coin running on different blockchain networks (for example, USDT-BEP2 to USDT-SOL) and other features. Also our users can buy & sell crypto for about 60 fiat currencies. LetsExchange doesn’t have upper limits and mandatory registration. The platform chooses the best rates among various liquidity providers to ensure the profitability of every users’ swap. Our partners can benefit from API for developers, an exchange widget & button, white-label software, a branded Telegram bot, etc.

Seller Details
Year Founded
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14 employees on LinkedIn®

Alex J.
Overview Provided by:
Chief Product Officer at - crypto processing for your business ⚡

Recent LetsExchange Reviews

Timur S.
Timur S.Mid-Market (51-1000 emp.)
5.0 out of 5
"Fantastic customer support"
I ran into a small issue during one of my transactions, but I was blown away by how great the customer support was. They got back to me super fast ...
Verified User
Verified UserSmall-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
4.5 out of 5
"Over 4000 coins to swap, great interface"
I've been using the LetsExchange website and Telegram bot for a while now for my daily crypto needs. I have no issues with the service. The support...
Oleksii S.
Oleksii S.Small-Business (50 or fewer emp.)
5.0 out of 5
"Referral marketing"
LetsExchange has been an excellent partner. They listed our coin for free and provided invaluable assistance with co-marketing efforts.
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LetsExchange Media

LetsExchange Demo -
LetsExchange is one of the leading instant crypto exchange services with the biggest in the market number of crypto assets, available for swaps. As for the date, we support 4500+ cryptocurrencies and 21+ mln trading pairs, DEX and cross-chain exchanges for the same coin running on different block...
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3 out of 4 Total Reviews for LetsExchange

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LetsExchange Pros and Cons

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Pros and Cons are compiled from review feedback and grouped into themes to provide an easy-to-understand summary of user reviews.
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Timur S.
Crypto Copywriter
Mid-Market(51-1000 emp.)
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Validated Reviewer
Review source: Organic
What do you like best about LetsExchange?

I ran into a small issue during one of my transactions, but I was blown away by how great the customer support was. They got back to me super fast and fixed the problem without any fuss. Honestly, it’s rare to come across this kind of service in the crypto space. Review collected by and hosted on

What do you dislike about LetsExchange?

I have not found any disadvantages when working with platform Review collected by and hosted on

What problems is LetsExchange solving and how is that benefiting you?

LetsExchange solves several key issues in the cryptocurrency exchange space by offering a simplified, fast, and private way to swap cryptocurrencies without registration or lengthy verification processes. It provides a non-custodial platform that prioritizes user privacy and security, ensuring full control over funds and minimal risk of data breaches. With access to over 5,000 cryptocurrencies and SmartRate technology for optimal exchange rates, users can diversify their portfolios efficiently. Review collected by and hosted on

Verified User in Accounting
Small-Business(50 or fewer emp.)
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Validated Reviewer
Verified Current User
Review source: Organic
What do you like best about LetsExchange?

I've been using the LetsExchange website and Telegram bot for a while now for my daily crypto needs. I have no issues with the service. The support team is great, and the new design is neat. I can recommend it to anyone for swapping or bridging crypto. Review collected by and hosted on

What do you dislike about LetsExchange?

The minimum amount to swap is 110 USD. The On/Off ramp options are not great; I hope they can improve both. Review collected by and hosted on

What problems is LetsExchange solving and how is that benefiting you?

-Swapping crypto


-On/Off ramp

-DEX Review collected by and hosted on

Oleksii S.
Marketing Manager
Small-Business(50 or fewer emp.)
More Options
Validated Reviewer
Review source: Organic
What do you like best about LetsExchange?

LetsExchange has been an excellent partner. They listed our coin for free and provided invaluable assistance with co-marketing efforts. Review collected by and hosted on

What do you dislike about LetsExchange?

I did not find any disadvantages while working with LetsExchange Review collected by and hosted on

What problems is LetsExchange solving and how is that benefiting you?

Swap thousands of crypto coins, cross-chain swap etc. Review collected by and hosted on

There are not enough reviews of LetsExchange for G2 to provide buying insight. Below are some alternatives with more reviews:

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Cold wallet storage
Zengo Wallet Logo
Zengo Wallet
Zengo Wallet is the crypto wallet for everyone. You can buy, trade, and earn BTC, ETH, and more (over 70 of the top cryptocurrencies) on one, simple and beautiful platform. It has bulletproof security and legendary customer support, with real support agents standing by 24/7 to answer any questions. Zengo’s 3-Factor authentication process ensures that 1) no one but you can control your crypto, and 2) your wallet is backed up, so even if you lose your phone, you can recover your crypto through a simple 2-step verification process. Here’s the best part: there’s no password to remember - or forget. No private keys to store - or lose. Zengo recognizes that people often represent the weakest part of a security matrix, and we’ve built that into the wallet’s design. It’s magic...and a lot of advanced cryptography :) Learn more about this industry-leading security standard here:
Binance Logo
Binance is the no.1 global crypto-currency exchange situated all over the world.
Coinbase Exchange Logo
Coinbase Exchange
Coinbase is a digital currency wallet and platform where merchants and consumers can transact with new digital currencies like bitcoin, ethereum, and litecoin.
Digitizing money, providing instant & secure #financial services. Serving 200+countries, 30+ crypto, and FIAT currencies
PrimeXBT Logo
Prime XBT allows you to actively trade most popular cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Litecoin and more, profit from market rallies and declines, or hedge your existing cryptocurrency holdings.
OKX Logo
Founded in 2017, OKX is one of the world�s leading cryptocurrency spot and derivatives exchanges. OKX innovatively adopted blockchain technology to reshape the financial ecosystem by offering some of the most diverse and sophisticated products, solutions, and trading tools on the market. Trusted by more than 20 million users in over 180 regions globally, OKX strives to provide an engaging platform that empowers every individual to explore the world of crypto. In addition to its world-class DeFi exchange, OKX serves its users with OKX Insights, a research arm that is at the cutting edge of the latest trends in the cryptocurrency industry. With its extensive range of crypto products and services, and unwavering commitment to innovation, OKX�s vision is a world of financial access backed by blockchain and the power of decentralized finance.
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DCX is a Singapore-based company that specializes in crypto-enabled financial services. DCX is bringing a revolution with its crypto-based products by developing borderless financial services that ensure a faster, simpler, and uninterrupted flow of capital.
Poloniex Logo
Poloniex is a leading cryptocurrency exchange offering a wide variety of digital assets.
Kucoin Logo
Kucoin aims at providing users digital asset transaction and exchange services which are even more safe and convenient, integrating premium assets worldwide, and constructing state of the art transaction platform.
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