GPTZero seems to have so potential. To be able to quickly scan a document and identify potential AI-generated content has been a valuable tool for me while screening my publishers as well as during hiring process. Review collected by and hosted on
GPTZero can give false positives flaging human-written content as AI-generated to a certain percentage. It also struggles to mark content produced using a mix of language models Review collected by and hosted on
It help to identify the content generated by AI models like GPT.
Platform is clean user friendly make it accessible for users who are not coming from technical background as well.
It helps to maintain academic integrity by identifying a AI generated assignments and papers. Review collected by and hosted on
The desktop version is work well but mobile application is not working well there is some improvisation will be required.
It can be slow when text is long. Review collected by and hosted on
GPTZero is super easy to use, I love it! It's a breeze to find your way around and get those results in a snap. The way it highlights the AI parts is just genius! Review collected by and hosted on
it would be so helpful if GPTZero gave us a deeper dive into why they flag certain bits of text as AI. Like, a breakdown of the specific cues they're picking up on. That'd make it way easier to figure out what's triggering their AI-detector. Review collected by and hosted on
As of now we daily have to check content like its AI writing or not and here GPT zero help a lot to find to AI writing and many more. Their user interface gives reliable and ease to use services without any breakout. Review collected by and hosted on
we can easily implement and integrate GPT zero and also their sales team are very collaborative and help a lot to use frequet their services. Review collected by and hosted on
GPTZero is useful for students, writers, teachers, recruiters, etc. Teachers can use it and engage students in learning. For recruiters, GPTZero finds the right candidates for an organization/firm. It is straightforward to use. I am daily using it. Review collected by and hosted on
In my opinion, GPTZero has no any dislike. Review collected by and hosted on
I like that I can check papers as well as blog posts that my students make. We have a current system for checking plagiarism but not for checking AI generated work. This is particularly important for the discussion posts. Review collected by and hosted on
The service is good and I have no complaints other than I find it cost prohibitive for a personal purchase when I need it for an organization. Review collected by and hosted on
I like how it is a simple tool to use and very useful in academia, especially for correcting papers and reports. Review collected by and hosted on
So far, I haven't found any defects in it, but sometimes it can be very limited in the free version.
But it didn't affect me that much. Review collected by and hosted on
I love how user friendly it is. It is a simple tool for a problem a lot of people have. Being able to scan such a large amount of text quickly and have every portion layed out with a description of whether it is AI generated or not is incredibly helpful in deciding if what you are reading is legitamently from a human or not. Review collected by and hosted on
The price point is pretty high for what it is. I don't think it is ultimately worth $10-$23 a month for something that is only solving one problem that could be done on your own. If you need an extra hand, and have had a lot of problems in the past with not being able to distinguish AI from human writing then I do reccomend it. Review collected by and hosted on
I work in a LLM model training company and we have to train model from ourselves without using the help of chatgpt so this product helps in checking whether our promot is LLM free and it is reliable software. Review collected by and hosted on
Sometimes it gives false predictions about LLM generated content Review collected by and hosted on
The most helpful aspect of GPTZero is its ability to identify whether text was generated by AI, which aids in verifying the authenticity of content and maintaining transparency. Review collected by and hosted on
the downside of GPTZero are
False Positives/Negatives
Limited Context Understanding
Privacy Concerns
Dependence on Training Data Review collected by and hosted on