It was able to detect a lot of content and give an interesting percentage of information that I generated by AI; The platform to use the tool works well; It works well on the mobile version too; It has some interesting functions such as trying to identify whether a human wrote it, chatgpt, human + AI, etc. I use it daily and it is helping me a lot Review collected by and hosted on
It has difficulty detecting some texts that are clearly from AI. It has the same problem for texts written by humans. Review collected by and hosted on
GPTZero is an AI detection tool that primarily distinguishes between human generated and machine/AI generated text. Due to it's ease of implementation, it is extensively used in education, publishing houses, content creators to check the authenticity of the content. Recently AI has been extensively used to write resumes, academic work and this tool helps to identify AI written resumes and academic content
While there are other tools like Ouriginal or Google classroom tools to check for plagiarism, Chat GPT stands out in terms of detecting if the content has been written by chatGPT or other similar tools. It provides a comprehensive report in terms of percentage of AI usage in the text.
The free version of the tool is a very easy to use. However the paid version offers a detailed analysis and very worth of purchase for educational instituitions, publishing houses, offices etc.
Besides it can be creatively offers API for developers to creatively integrate fine-tune detections. Review collected by and hosted on
GPTZero is not a 100% full proof method for AI detection. It can sometimes provide wrong conclusion or wrong percentage of AI written text though it is designed for search engine optimization and ensures authenticity of online and published content.
It is recommened to use it alongside other detection tools as it has limited detection for altered AI text. So if a text is taken from AI and rephrased, it may not be identified by GPTZero Review collected by and hosted on
GPTZero is easy to use and provides a straightforward interface for detecting AI-generated content. It’s especially helpful for quick checks when you need a fast assessment of whether a text is AI-written or not. It offers a useful tool for educators, students like me , and content creators who want to monitor the authenticity of their writing, and the integration with various text formats is a convenient feature. Review collected by and hosted on
While GPTZero can be helpful, it sometimes gives false positives or negatives, making it difficult to fully rely on the results. There are times when human-written content is flagged as AI-generated, and vice versa. This inconsistency can be frustrating, particularly when accuracy is critical, such as for academic or professional content verification. Review collected by and hosted on
The best part is ability to detect AI generated content with 95% accuracy. As a lead manager my daily task it to check the content originality and integrity. I always need to check the content before submitting further. With this I can easily able to detect the content that it is written by a human or AI, this tool is a lifesaver for me. I just need to provide the content and It analyzes the content and highlights whether it’s written by a human or AI in few seconds. I can easily upload the file and it will analyse it and give me a detailed report that which part is written by human, AI or AI altered content. Review collected by and hosted on
One area of improvement would be its handling of mixed content. Sometimes, when a document has a combination of human-written and AI-generated text, the tool struggle to provide clear results. Review collected by and hosted on
GPTzero is an ai-model which helps in identifying ai-generated content or not. It has tutorials which makes it easier to magtviate through the system interface itself.
It indeitifes any errors, and shows if the sentences are plagiarized or not with the plagiarism scan feature. It still generates AI-text. It also helps you show how authentic your writing is by using a sentence by sentence analysis particularly in essays for institutional purposes or other types of work in different work or professional settings. Review collected by and hosted on
It may struggle with higher creativity of writing styles, where it may or may not confuse the two. Where AI writing and human language is intertwined. Nuances where we can understand it can be challenging. it may or may not have accuracy problems depending on the quality of the types of writings it generates. The type of data fed into it also matters thus causing toxic behaviors like hallucinations or writing biases. Review collected by and hosted on
1. It can detect if my written work is either written by AI or by a human 90% of the time.
2. It's easy to use.
3. For the pro subscription, there are a number of features such as having a plagiarism checker and a deep scanner which can show you which sentences are more likely written by an AI or human.
4. It's easy to implement.
5. I can use it frequently, being able to use it 100 times a day because I get daily credits. I like that it's FREE.
6. It's also easy to integrate. Review collected by and hosted on
1. If the AI detector can't tell if the written work is made by AI or by a human, it will say it's mixed. You will need Deep scan to check each sentences which are made by human or AI.
2. The customer support is a bit slow Review collected by and hosted on
I really like to use GPTZero because it's easy to use, I can find which ones are AI generated in just one click. And the features like deep scanning, plagirism scanning and my favorite one is Writing Analysis. I can easily connect with the Customer Support if I have questions or need some help with my account. Review collected by and hosted on
I can't think anything that I dislike about GPTZero, maybe because it's not free. I only have limit of 10,000 words per month but it's ok, it's a big help with my work. Review collected by and hosted on
GPTZero has a sleek, user-friendly interface. Even if you're not technologically knowledgeable, you'll find it simple to explore and use its features. The material created is surprisingly cohesive and contextually relevant. It's been a wonderful tool for writing articles and creative works, giving me a firm base to develop and customize. Review collected by and hosted on
For very complicated or specialist issues, the information may lack the necessary depth and specificity. It can offer an excellent overview but may not always capture the precise insights necessary for in-depth study. Review collected by and hosted on
The first thing I liked about this Website is that Interface is very straight & simple. They give a provision to scan upto 5000 Charachters Free of cost.
Secondly, the Speed and Accuracy is tremendous. Overall its a must have tool for Content Creators.
I liked this product and using in very often. Review collected by and hosted on
Somewhere I feel that the limit given in free account is very limited. As there are other tools available in the market are giving more than double its capacity. The cost of premium version is bit higher and is not affordable for all individual freelancers. Review collected by and hosted on
It can tell exactly if the text is original or is AI-generated. Very useful for academic purposes to evaluate the Student's AI content. Few other plagiarism checkers which is used in the university, to give the presentation of ai generated text. I feel this is very useful for students to check their work before submitting it. With confidence, u can able to submit your work. Review collected by and hosted on
One dislike is that even if I write my own sentence, if it sounds like AI, it's showing me AI text detected. I used this product a few months ago maybe by now theymight have fixed it by now. Review collected by and hosted on
GPTZero serves an important function by helping users distinguish between human-written and AI-generated content. This can be particularly valuable in educational settings, journalism, and content creation, where originality and authenticity are important. Also, many users might find GPTZero user-friendly, with a straightforward interface.
Providing free access to its basic features makes GPTZero accessible to a wide range of users. Review collected by and hosted on
GPTZero might struggle with nuances in language, especially with content that blends human and AI-generated text. Users might find that it does not fully understand the context or intention behind the text, leading to incorrect assessments. Review collected by and hosted on