it is a great way of organizing and reviewing evidence Review collected by and hosted on
too many bugs, incomplete or non -existent documentation, first level support never seems to know who we are (ie: asking the same rhetorical questions or giving stock answers) and a lot of functions that are not well thought out from a legal review perspective, by the developers.
Additional Edits:
Support is getting a bit better, now let's see if 8.0 works out the most obvious flaws. Not holding my breath though. Review collected by and hosted on
The tool itself has a lot of potential and once our users have been using the app for a while we have been finding that they are generally happy with the functionality. Review collected by and hosted on
We find that the QC is lacking, patches sometimes break important functions and we often find that tools such as filter, drop down menus etc. are not useable or not readable, The manual often doesn't cover important points of the usage of certain tools (See 'Detailed Reports' for instance) . We find our selves showing Exterro techs issues that they didn't even know existed. Review collected by and hosted on
FTKC Is a quick platform, its easy to load and review documents. Items can be deleted without errors and labels are easy to generate. The platform supports mutltiple users in one case at a time without issues. Review collected by and hosted on
Running productions is a timely process and not error-free. The UI needs a lot of work and isn't user friendly. System administrators need more robust reporting or errors and current processes. Review collected by and hosted on
It is cheap to use and provides basic essentials for ediscovery. You can filter documents and find them through the database. It allows companies to upload ongoing data and not just for litigation purposes. Summation is designed for simple usage for companies. Review collected by and hosted on
It is very outdated, slow and extremely frustrating to use. The content is slow small because of all of the windows that need to be opened. The platform looks old and it is very difficult to get any work done using it. Additionally, it does not remember many things that you code or layout setting that you save. In today's day it does not make sense at all for any corporation to still being using this software. Review collected by and hosted on
I love the ability to view a document and see the notes on it simulatenously (a feature we do not have in Relativity). Makes reviewing easier. Review collected by and hosted on
Reviewing massive amounts of documents can be cumbersome but it is great for creating readable and useable timelines. Review collected by and hosted on