Firefly is not the only option for Learning Management Systems. Explore other competing options and alternatives. Other important factors to consider when researching alternatives to Firefly include reliability and ease of use. The best overall Firefly alternative is Canvas LMS. Other similar apps like Firefly are Google Classroom, Schoology, Moodle, and Blackboard. Firefly alternatives can be found in Learning Management Systems but may also be in Corporate Learning Management Systems or K-12 Student Information Systems.
Canvas LMS is built to make teaching and learning easier for everyone, from the littlest learners to college faculty to business leaders. Learn more about how Canvas works with your institution.
Classroom is a tool in Google Apps for Education that helps teachers create and organize assignments quickly, provide feedback efficiently, and easily communicate with their classes.
Schoology has redefined the LMS to make online and blended learning a collective effort and to increase the overall impact of everyone involved in a student's education. Schoology ensures the virtual classroom is as robust as, or more than, traditional learning environments.
With hundreds of millions of users around the globe and translated into over 100 languages, more organisations choose Moodle to support their education and training needs than any other system in the world.
Blackboard is a scalable, reliable foundation for a world-class learning experience. Our flexible learning platform enables you to extend online learning, increase engagement and optimize learning outcomes.
PowerSchool provides the full range of features needed by administrators at the district and school level in addition to portals for teachers, parents, and students.
School Status is, by far, the most user-friendly school management and communications software available. Its unique tool aggregates all distinct data together in one place, allowing principals, teachers, accountability directors, department heads, and school communication directors to make informed, thoughtful decisions for their students and parents. Users can quickly build visualizations and discover actionable insight with data drawn from their: - Student Information System - Attendance and Disciple Programs - Learning Management System - State & Local Assessments - Benchmarks - Communication metrics
Docebo makes employee, partner and customer training easy and engaging while saving L&D admins countless hours with artificial intelligence.
Absorb LMS is designed for efficient creation and delivery of learning programs for online training, instructor-led training, and blended learning programs.
D2L Brightspace is a flexible and powerful learning innovation platform built for every stage of life, from the earliest days of school to higher education and beyond.