4.6 out of 5
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Storage | 12 reviewers of CLOUDBASIC RDS have provided feedback on this feature. | 79% (Based on 12 reviews) | |
Availability | As reported in 12 CLOUDBASIC RDS reviews. | 76% (Based on 12 reviews) | |
Stability | 12 reviewers of CLOUDBASIC RDS have provided feedback on this feature. | 81% (Based on 12 reviews) | |
Scalability | 12 reviewers of CLOUDBASIC RDS have provided feedback on this feature. | 88% (Based on 12 reviews) | |
Security | This feature was mentioned in 12 CLOUDBASIC RDS reviews. | 86% (Based on 12 reviews) | |
Data Manipulation | See feature definition | Based on 12 CLOUDBASIC RDS reviews. | 85% (Based on 12 reviews) |
Query Language | This feature was mentioned in 12 CLOUDBASIC RDS reviews. | 83% (Based on 12 reviews) |
Text Search | Based on 10 CLOUDBASIC RDS reviews. Provides support for international character sets and full text search. | 78% (Based on 10 reviews) | |
Data Types | Supports multiple data types like primitive, structured, document etc. This feature was mentioned in 10 CLOUDBASIC RDS reviews. | 82% (Based on 10 reviews) | |
Languages | Based on 10 CLOUDBASIC RDS reviews. Supports multiple procedural programming languages like PL/PGSQL, Perl, Python etc. | 83% (Based on 10 reviews) | |
Operating Systems | As reported in 10 CLOUDBASIC RDS reviews. Available on multiple operating systems like Linux, Windows, MacOS etc. | 85% (Based on 10 reviews) |
Database Locking | Based on 11 CLOUDBASIC RDS reviews. Prevents other users and applications from accessing data while it is being updated to avoid data loss or update. | 85% (Based on 11 reviews) | |
Access Control | Allows permissions to be granted or revoked in the database, schema or table levels. 11 reviewers of CLOUDBASIC RDS have provided feedback on this feature. | 85% (Based on 11 reviews) | |
Encryption | As reported in 10 CLOUDBASIC RDS reviews. Built-in native encryption with enterprise key management. | 82% (Based on 10 reviews) | |
Authentication | Based on 10 CLOUDBASIC RDS reviews. Provides multi-factor authentication with certificates. | 85% (Based on 10 reviews) |
Disaster Recovery | Provides data recovery functionality to protect and restore data in a database. 10 reviewers of CLOUDBASIC RDS have provided feedback on this feature. | 83% (Based on 10 reviews) | |
Data Concurrency | Allows multi-version concurrency control. | Not enough data | |
Workload Management | Handles workloads, from single machines to data warehouses or web services with many concurrent users. | Not enough data | |
Advanced Indexing | Allows users to quickly retrieve data through various types of indexing like B-tree, hash table etc. | Not enough data | |
Query Optimizer | Helps interpret SQL queries and determine the fastest method of execution. | Not enough data |
Data Schema | Data is organized as a set of tables with columns and rows like a table structure. | Not enough data | |
Query Language | Allows users to create, update and retrieve data in a database. | Not enough data | |
ACID - Complaint | Adheres to ACID (atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability), a set of database transaction properties. | Not enough data | |
Data Replication | Provides log-based or/and trigger-based replication. | Not enough data |