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Blissbook Pricing Overview

Blissbook has not provided pricing information for this product or service. This is common practice for software sellers and service providers. Contact Blissbook to obtain current pricing.

Blissbook pricing & plans

Pricing information for Blissbook is supplied by the software provider or retrieved from publicly accessible pricing materials. Final cost negotiations to purchase Blissbook must be conducted with the seller.
Pricing information was last updated on September 10, 2020

Top Rated Blissbook Alternatives

Blissbook Alternatives Pricing

The following is a quick overview of editions offered by other Other Collaboration Software

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Ideal for businesses with large customer-base or unique business models who require enterprise-grade functionality
  • Create personalized B2B customer interface to manage each account throughout its entire lifecycle.
  • Optimize collaboration by integrating all customer-facing interactions into the hub
  • Fully white label solution that can live inside your app
  • Data governance
  • Additional integrations
$01 project
Includes a personal workspace, up to 50 reviewers, and 30-day version history.
    For small teams wanting to work in MyChat for an unlimited period of time. Limitations:
    • Max 20 online connections (any number of different devices).
    • Each private dialogues and conference has a message in the top of the window that this is a free license
    • You can browse the message history only for the last month.
    • GPS tracking history is only for the current day;
    • A limited number of PUSH messages for Android and iOS applications.

    Various alternatives pricing & plans

    Pricing information for the above various Blissbook alternatives is supplied by the respective software provider or retrieved from publicly accessible pricing materials. Final cost negotiations to purchase any of these products must be conducted with the seller.
    Blissbook Categories on G2

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