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Atellica Inventory Manager Pricing Overview

Atellica Inventory Manager has not provided pricing information for this product or service. This is common practice for software sellers and service providers. Contact Atellica Inventory Manager to obtain current pricing.

Atellica Inventory Manager pricing & plans

Pricing information for Atellica Inventory Manager is supplied by the software provider or retrieved from publicly accessible pricing materials. Final cost negotiations to purchase Atellica Inventory Manager must be conducted with the seller.

Top Rated Atellica Inventory Manager Alternatives

Atellica Inventory Manager Alternatives Pricing

The following is a quick overview of editions offered by other Lab Inventory Management Software

Contact Us
All the features you need to manage your lab digitally
  • Team management & collaboration
  • Unlimited inventory items
  • Unlimited notes & notebooks
  • Customizable experiment templates
  • Top-rated customer support & onboarding
Starting at $450.003 Users Per Month
The Starter Plan from CrelioHealth provides essential features to kickstart your lab operations. With support for three users and two machines, this plan ensures a seamless workflow. Benefit from 24x7 chat & call support and basic patient order management. Ideal for labs aiming for efficient entry into digital lab management.
  • Patient Order Management
  • Patient Communication (Omni Channel)
$300.001 User Per Month
All the core workflow tools you need to run an efficient lab. Get our highly configurable, flexible LIMS and no-code tools. Fast implementation at a cost-effective price point. Volume-based discounts available.
  • Workflow Management for Orders, Samples, and Tests
  • Batches, Protocols (LES), and Panels

Various alternatives pricing & plans

Pricing information for the above various Atellica Inventory Manager alternatives is supplied by the respective software provider or retrieved from publicly accessible pricing materials. Final cost negotiations to purchase any of these products must be conducted with the seller.
Atellica Inventory Manager Categories on G2

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