Avis sur 289 SmartDraw
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It's easy and fast and looks great. I can do the work at the consultation and keep my clients attention Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
I cannot use it for 3-d
And printing to scale is a challenge with my blue print company Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
Displays perfectly on tablets and phones and can be easily shared to others via email Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
This software lacks a presentation screen which can be difficult in meetings Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.

J'aime la convivialité de ce logiciel pour créer des organigrammes pour mon entreprise. J'ai également utilisé la fonction pour créer un plan de base pour mon projet d'amélioration de la maison. Les deux fonctions étaient très bonnes et utiles. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
Je voudrais qu'il y ait un peu plus de fonctionnalité/capacité de personnalisation intégrée dans le logiciel car je suis limité et je dois trouver des solutions de contournement qui ne sont pas intégrées (surtout pour les organigrammes). Pour la fonction de conception de maison, c'était un peu plus flexible mais avait aussi des limitations que je pouvais contourner. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
The preloaded templates. There are a wide variety of things that get you started quickly, from mind maps to charts and graphs to project planning. You can quickly convert your data from one type to another (though the list is limited based on what you started with). It is easy to add shapes, the shapes are automatically positioned and connected, which is nice for high level simple diagrams. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
Is it too hard to say what don't I dislike? I like the tool in concept more than in reality. I almost always have problems with it getting it to do what I actually want. Whenever I'm doing a flowchart I always give up and go to Visio because I need to be able to rearrange or align shapes and can't. It's hard to switch the arrow types. Forget flow charts here (and I do a lot of flow charts).
I tried extensively to use the project planning templates, to forecast dates, etc. It looks great when it's all done, but when you need to edit dates later... it doesn't adjust very well. Reentering the dates for every task by hand to override the "intelligent" update that screws them all up is annoying to put it mildly.
The charts and diagrams are nice enough, but again they're kind of locked down. Lately I've been going back to Word and using SmartArt instead.
No client ever has this tool, they have Project and Visio so it's not easy enough to share and collaborate on the documents. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
I like the ease of logging in either through the web or with the software on the desktop. I like the various flow charts and templates that are needed for office environments Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
The flowcharts are not simple, drag and drop redesign which would be nice. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.

C'est facile à utiliser et très intuitif et était facile à mettre en œuvre. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
Peut être difficile de partager des fichiers une fois qu'un flux de travail est terminé et prêt à être partagé. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
We use Smart Draw for our business unit org chart and I love it. It's really easy to use and it produces a very clean result and looks great. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
Zooming in and placing things can sometimes be difficult and frustrating, but once you get the hang of it, it gets easier. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
SmartDraw Legal Edition allows me to quickly and easily assemble gorgeous presentations. It's incredibly user-friendly, the graphics are modern and appealing, and the results are stunning. I love the keyboard shortcuts, I find them to be more precise than using the mouse. The program contains just about every legal graphic you could imagine (traffic signs, crime scene symbols, etc). Also incredibly useful for creating detailed flowcharts that are easy to update when needed. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
I haven't been using it long, but so far SmartDraw Legal Edition has met all of my needs. It was a bit overwhelming at first, but once I got the hang of it, I was quite pleased with the results. I'm still finding new features and uses. Their product support could use a little improvement. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
It is very easy to use and has a huge library of symbols and icons. It is quick and easy to put together flow charts and use them in presentations. I am a visual person and the charts from this program help huge. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
It gets a little tricky trying to put text in sometimes out side of the flow chart boxes. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.