Is extremely versatile, you can use like a normal word document but bringing the power to add anything you want in the way you want, from a simple link to an entire DB. Can link or add many pages inside your workspace as you need and threat it like a webpage. Notion comes with a lot of features like tables, checklists, Databases, IA, beautiful templates and many many more. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
Can be harder to use and you really don't know how to handle the big things allowed inside Notion to make your project marvelous Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
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- It's UI, hands down. The best I've seen. And, for someone like me who chooses a software not just based on features but also it's designs, Notion has done a great job!
- The Notion AI, Wow! It helps me get things done in much lesser time than it used to.
- The ability to seamlessly connect to my colleagues. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
- Sometimes it gets resource heavy on my system, and I begin to think "this is just a note taking application! why's it eating up so much of my RAM?" but it's not too bad I guess. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.

One of the features I particularly like about Notion is its remarkable flexibility and versatility. It serves as a unified workspace where you can combine various elements such as text, images, tables, databases, and multimedia content seamlessly. Whether you're planning a project, managing tasks, taking notes, or creating a personal wiki, Notion can be customized to fit your specific needs. You can structure your content in a way that makes sense for you, with the ability to create hierarchical pages, nested databases, and link different pieces of information together. This adaptability makes it a powerful tool that can evolve and grow with you, catering to both simple and complex workflows. Additionally, its collaborative capabilities are outstanding. Multiple users can work on the same document simultaneously, making it ideal for team projects, allowing for real-time communication and cooperation. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
The access speed of Notion in China is very slow. It should be related to the lack of network acceleration. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.

O Notion é um ótimo aplicativo para organização. Comecei a utilizar o app em com um amigo, durante a realização do trabalho de conclusão de curso na faculdade, para gestão do projeto. A implementação entre a dupla foi simples e com ele pudemos separar e distribuir as tarefas, acompanhar o desenvolvimento um do outro e atribuir prazo para cada uma das etapas e, assim, finalizar tudo de um jeito muito organizado e objetivo.
Além disso, também encontrei no software uma boa opção para realizar minhas anotações. Seja no trabalho ou nos estudos, a capacidade de segmentação em pastas, páginas e mais, me dá liberdade para montar meus mapas mentais e textos da maneira como acho mais conveniente. Durante muito tempo, usei o Notion diariamente para os estudos de novos cursos. O app também tem boa integração com o Google e é fácil de ser acessado de qualquer lugar, tanto no aplicativo dedicado no PC e smartphone quanto no navegador. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
Todas as funções e opções do Notion, no entanto, podem causar algumas dificuldades para os usuários de primeira viagem. Imagino que esse seja um dos grandes motivos que levam as pessoas à desistirem da plataforma. Além disso, não há um conteúdo oficial em vídeo de tutoriais mostrando e ensinando a utilizar os caminhos do app. Até encontrei um canal no YouTube, mas que não está ativo há quatro anos e também não sei se é oficial. Acho que pode ser uma boa forma de dar suporte aos cliente, mesmo que de maneira indireta. O ponto positivo é que existem outros vários criadores de conteúdo que podem ajudar nisso. Fora isso, da minha experiência, não tenho do que reclamar. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.

Flexibility! I've used Notion for fiction writing, team collaboration, project management, household management, and more. It's where I drop all of my random ideas and where I get my actual writing done. The nested pages make it easy to organized/reorganized. I've used it professionally and it's been easy to implement and integrate into our existing processes. This is a tool I use several times a week, personally. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
I wish I had more control over the header section of pages, but that's about it. I supposed there is a learning curve, but it's pretty quick and their support team is quick to respond if you get stuck. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.

Je suis obsédé par Notion. J'aime la flexibilité des mises en page, la personnalisation du texte qui est écrit, les raccourcis clavier faciles, et évidemment le nouvel outil d'IA. Cela m'a aidé à tout faire, de l'amélioration de ma grammaire à la synthèse de transcriptions d'entretiens entiers en quelques points, à trouver des moyens de dire ce que je veux dire dans les e-mails et à paraître amical et professionnel au lieu d'agressif. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
Je lutte encore un peu avec la création de tableaux/mises en page au milieu d'une page. Je suis sûr qu'il y a des tutoriels à ce sujet, mais j'aimerais que Notion puisse s'inspirer de Webflow et créer des tutoriels engageants pour suivre et comprendre comment optimiser l'utilisation de la page plutôt que de simples articles écrits. J'aimerais une expérience plus engageante. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.

Pour moi, Notion c'est une application super cool qui peut vous aider à rester organisé et productif ! Notion est comme un espace de travail tout-en-un que vous pouvez personnaliser pour répondre à vos besoins, vous permettant de tout faire, de la prise de notes à la gestion des tâches. La meilleure partie est que c'est vraiment facile à utiliser, grâce à son interface utilisateur intuitive et sa fonction de recherche pratique. Non seulement cela, mais Notion vous permet également de collaborer avec d'autres en temps réel, vous permettant de travailler ensemble avec votre équipe peu importe où vous êtes. Que vous soyez étudiant, freelance ou membre d'une entreprise, Notion est un excellent outil pour rationaliser vos flux de travail et accomplir des tâches. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
Parfois, c'est lent, surtout lorsque j'ai beaucoup de tables ou de bases de données connectées.
Je voudrais :
- Avoir une intégration avec MS Outlook.
- N'analyse pas encore les documents.
- Je voudrais un thème gris (ni blanc ni noir). Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.

I've found Notion AI to be truly remarkable in my daily use. Its ability to assist me with writing and content creation is impressive. It's like having a ready assistant who understands exactly what I want to do. What I appreciate most is how intuitive it is in generating text, creating document structures, and offering relevant suggestions while I work. The support it provides during use is constant and valuable, making the writing process much more fluid and efficient. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
Honestly, after using it regularly, I haven't found any significant negative aspects to report. Like any AI tool, it has its natural limitations, but in the context of how I use it, it perfectly meets my needs. The experience so far has been completely positive, and the system has always met my expectations. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.

That I can manage my entire life in one platform. I've been using for about three years and I fall more in love with it every day. I've tried switching over to other journaling, habit tracking, task management, writing, and file management systems over these past few years as well and always end up coming back to Notion. The other apps often do the one thing better than Notion, but being able to tie everything together in one platform and have a master search for my digitial life is clutch. And having AI help me create content, perform research, and aid in many many automations is...magical. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
The "Option + click" feature to open pages from your favorites bar to open as a side panel has never worked in the time I've used Notion (Mac app, windows app, or web app). The AI in terms of searching my workspace is still hit or miss. Very inconsistent results and it often times straight up tells me it doesn't have access to the content on the page I "@ mentioned" - really? These are small things and should be a testament to how awesome Notion is because these are literally the only things I can think of that I'd like to see fixed. The automation features are lackign compared to the big players (make & Zapier) but I don't really consider this a negative because it's a new feature is is being very quickly developed so I'm excited about that! Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.

Le nouvel assistant Notion AI a été une révolution pour moi, me permettant d'économiser des heures de travail en rédigeant des résumés et des e-mails de suivi pour des clients potentiels et mon équipe. Notion AI m'aide à accomplir les tâches administratives inévitables plus rapidement, me libérant ainsi pour me concentrer sur un travail de développement de haut niveau plus rentable. C'est là que je m'épanouis, et Notion AI le rend plus possible. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
Mon inconvénient le plus important est de ne pas pouvoir surligner les cellules numériques dans une base de données et voir un total rapide comme on peut le faire dans d'autres applications de tableur. Cela ne permet de voir que les totaux d'une base de données entière ou des calculs basés sur la façon dont vous regroupez la vue. Donc, vous pouvez le faire. Cela prend juste plus d'étapes que je ne le préfère.
Une autre limitation est l'incapacité de modifier en masse les dates d'échéance des tâches et des jalons les unes par rapport aux autres. J'aimerais pouvoir lier les dates d'échéance d'un ensemble de tâches liées, de sorte que si une date change, cela affecte automatiquement le reste des tâches liées. Actuellement, cela doit être fait manuellement car il n'existe pas de moyen automatisé pour accomplir cela. (À moins qu'il n'existe une formule qui puisse le faire et dont je ne suis pas au courant !) Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.

Like how many have said before - It's like having a second brain. Being a native digital user (meaning I've pretty much been using a computer since my whole life) - I'm able to have an archive pretty much every aspect of my life in notion. It's super easy for me to recall any note, project, graphic design or task list that I have. I use it everyday. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.
I think sometimes notion is not as condusive to the creative arts. I wish there was an infinite canvas mode or mood board. Sometimes I can get trapped in tinkering in my space and sometimes am "over-organizing" my tasks. At worst it can sometimes feel like a distraction. Additionally I think notion can sometimes feel like a closed system and it's not very easy to get information out of notion. Also I think the reminders for due dates is lacking - and there should be easier intergration into google calendars. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur G2.com.