Fiable, facile à utiliser et fournit de bons retours de données. Fonctionne bien avec le plugin Wordpress que j'utilise. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur
Tout fonctionne comme prévu - je n'ai rencontré aucun désagrément. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur
Ohh, certainly the 150,000 email shots a month. It is the only one in the market that offers this amount in the free account. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur
Really. I am a new user and I still have nothing to complain about. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur
The easy to set the system working, there is full help if you are not an expert. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur
Nothing, all is a great solution to customer satisfaction. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur
They had a good support. Very easy to set SPF and DKIM. Has a good monitoring/log system. I having no problem with their admin interface. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur
No warning when your credit is low that impacting the service. The client still able to send email without error/warning in their Mail Transfer Agent, but the emails going nowhere. No warning (to admin) when (one or more) clients blocked/disabled. The policy that impacting service implemented without announcement. However, I believe they will grow with their innovative product. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur
I like the simplicity of use of the product and also the cost. I think it is one of the cheapest in the industry Avis collecté par et hébergé sur
Poor support for Mobile rendering is very poor. I think it should be improved Avis collecté par et hébergé sur
I like the price plans of the service, easy interface and the templates. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur
Nothing yet. I think the service offer to me all what I need. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur
I like the easiness to use custom templates Avis collecté par et hébergé sur
The fact that is not in my hand to improve the reputation and responsiveness of my list. This cause me stopping of my activity. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur
Flexibility within the product was a necessity from the beginning and it is a prime example of why we still use it. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur
Non ability to actually call customer service. Unless we have missed it... Avis collecté par et hébergé sur
I like feature that allows our team to create a list from existing lists and make powerful queries to create new ones. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur
No chat support feature for international users. Avis collecté par et hébergé sur