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Vue d'ensemble des tarifs de Constellix

Constellix en un coup d'œil

DNS Pricing
Only Pay for What you Use

With transparent DNS pricing, we offer the fastest, most secure, and outage-resistant DNS in the industry. Talk to an expert to create a custom edge DNS environment built for your organization.
Since our services are billed on a pay-per-usage model, you will need to have a general idea of your query usage and number of domains in order to get an accurate pricing estimate.

Managed DNS Pricing
1 2-25 >25
Standard Domains $5.00 $0.50 $0.095

1 2-100 >100
GTD Enabled Domains
In addition to regular domain pricing $5.00 $1.00 $0.10

Query Pricing
0 - 1 Billion > 1 Billion
Queries $0.395 per million $0.195 per million
IP Filter Queries $0.70 per million $0.35 per million
GeoProximity Queries $0.60 per million $0.30 per million
ANAME Queries $0.395 per million $0.195 per million

Real Time Traffic Anomaly Detection Pricing
Anomaly Detection costs are based on the amount of processing (used by the CPU) to analyze your traffic. Each machine learning fit is roughly $0.034. All pricing mentioned is starting price and can go lower based on volume account pricing. Pricing is based on calculated 30.5 days per month.
Number of Fits Cost per Month
World Aggregation 1,464 $49.25
Region Aggregation 10,248 $344.82
POP / City Aggregation 29,280 $985.19

Sonar Performance Monitoring Pricing
Health & Latency Checks
Monitoring checks are priced based on how often they are run. When you are making your calculations, keep in mind that you will need to multiply the cost of the check by how often it will be used in a month, times how many monitoring locations you applied to the check. See the pricing example for more details.

Premium DNS Support Pricing
Standard phone support hours (M-F 6am-9pm ET). If you require more assistance, you can upgrade to a premium support package for a monthly cost.

Constellix n'a pas fourni d'informations de tarification pour ce produit ou service. Il s'agit d'une pratique courante pour les vendeurs de logiciels et les fournisseurs de services. Contactez Constellix pour obtenir les tarifs actuels.

Tarification et plans Constellix

Essai gratuit disponible
Les informations de tarification de Constellix sont fournies par le fournisseur de logiciels ou récupérées à partir de documents de tarification accessibles au public. Les négociations finales sur le coût pour acheter Constellix doivent être menées avec le vendeur.

Managed DNS Pricing
1 2-25 >25
Standard Domains $5.00 $0.50 $0.095

1 2-100 >100
GTD Enabled Domains
In addition to regular domain pricing $5.00 $1.00 $0.10

Query Pricing
0 - 1 Billion > 1 Billion
Queries $0.395 per million $0.195 per million
IP Filter Queries $0.70 per million $0.35 per million
GeoProximity Queries $0.60 per million $0.30 per million
ANAME Queries $0.395 per million $0.195 per million

Real Time Traffic Anomaly Detection Pricing
Anomaly Detection costs are based on the amount of processing (used by the CPU) to analyze your traffic. Each machine learning fit is roughly $0.034. All pricing mentioned is starting price and can go lower based on volume account pricing. Pricing is based on calculated 30.5 days per month.
Number of Fits Cost per Month
World Aggregation 1,464 $49.25
Region Aggregation 10,248 $344.82
POP / City Aggregation 29,280 $985.19

Sonar Performance Monitoring Pricing
Health & Latency Checks
Monitoring checks are priced based on how often they are run. When you are making your calculations, keep in mind that you will need to multiply the cost of the check by how often it will be used in a month, times how many monitoring locations you applied to the check. See the pricing example for more details.

Premium DNS Support Pricing
Standard phone support hours (M-F 6am-9pm ET). If you require more assistance, you can upgrade to a premium support package for a monthly cost.

* The prices above are exclusive of applicable taxes, fees, or similar governmental charges (if any exist) except as otherwise noted.

Les informations tarifaires ont été mises à jour pour la dernière fois le September 13, 2021

Meilleures alternatives à Constellix les mieux notées

Tarification des alternatives de Constellix

Ce qui suit est un aperçu rapide des éditions proposées par d'autres Fournisseurs de DNS gérés

1 licence de site.
  • Tous les plugins pro WPMU DEV
  • 5 Go CDN
  • 5 Go de stockage de sauvegarde
  • Support en direct WP expert 24/7
GratuitPar mois
Pour des projets personnels ou de loisirs qui ne sont pas essentiels pour l'entreprise. Ce forfait comprend :
  • DNS rapide et facile à utiliser
  • Protection DDoS illimitée
  • CDN
  • Certificat SSL universel
  • Jeu de règles géré gratuit
0Forever Free Plan.
Bon pour les débutants.
  • 4 serveurs DNS Unicast
  • 1 zone DNS
  • 50 enregistrements DNS
  • 500K requêtes DNS par mois
  • 1 transfert de courrier

Différentes alternatives de tarification et plans

Essai gratuit disponible
Les informations de tarification des différentes alternatives de Constellix ci-dessus sont fournies par le fournisseur de logiciels respectif ou récupérées à partir de documents de tarification accessibles au public. Les négociations finales sur le coût pour acheter l'un de ces produits doivent être menées avec le vendeur.

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