I'd like to make better reports for my Associations - I watched the training video on this subject but am not making headway.

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Mike H.
President & CEO at TOPS Software – All-in-[ONE] community management cloud-based software solution for the HOA and Condo Association Management industry.
Salut Loree ! 👋 Il existe plusieurs outils de création de rapports dans ONE qui pourraient correspondre à ce que tu cherches. Voici les liens suivants : Le dernier est la capacité d'édition en masse qui te permet également de créer des vues personnalisées. J'espère que cela t'aide !
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I think it's great that the CEO of TOPS Software responds to user comments, but the original post is more than a year old and there continue to be issues with one or more Custom Report features not working as described and documented. For example, contrary to the User Guide, account range elements still do not automatically produce a total line. There is a "work-around" but it's rather cumbersome and counter-intuitive. If this isn't likely to be fixed any time soon, perhaps it would be best to include the work-around in the User Guide rather than continue to promote a feature that doesn't work. Not complaining - TOPS is a great product - just trying to help others who might have a similar experience.