Do you foresee Gong calls being analyzed quicker? What is up next for Gong? Any new additions in the future? Do you anticipate speach-to-text to improve? Will there ever be a time that we can listen to a call directly from Salesforce, since we integrate? How do I search for closed won opportunities calls?

I find that calls aren't analyzed quickly at times, and this may be due to the length of calls. but I've experienced times where my calls aren't analyzed for hours. Since you integrate with Gong, I wonder if we would be able to listen to a call directly from Salesforce without having to open up the Gong website. I'd be interested to know why calls do not log all the time, and they are marked skipped.
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Patricia B.
Salut Tristan ! Merci de m'avoir contacté et pour vos questions. Je demanderai à votre CSM de vous contacter, car vous en aviez pas mal et il serait plus approprié de répondre lors d'une conversation.
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