Lors de l'évaluation des deux solutions, les évaluateurs ont trouvé que SEON. Fraud Fighters était plus facile à utiliser et à configurer. Cependant, les évaluateurs ont estimé que l'administration des deux produits était tout aussi facile, et ont préféré faire des affaires avec Sardine dans l'ensemble.
Let's begin with the information you can get once an FTD or even registration is created. Multiple connections could appear, which helps to identify the fraudulent activity at the very beginning.
Jusqu'à présent, nous n'avons rencontré aucun problème.
It's a powerful tool with features that allow you to risk-assess everything from phone numbers to devices to biometrics. The rule engine is comprehensive, allowing you to get down to the essential details for those pesky trends. Integration is relatively...
Let's begin with the information you can get once an FTD or even registration is created. Multiple connections could appear, which helps to identify the fraudulent activity at the very beginning.
It's a powerful tool with features that allow you to risk-assess everything from phone numbers to devices to biometrics. The rule engine is comprehensive, allowing you to get down to the essential details for those pesky trends. Integration is relatively...
Jusqu'à présent, nous n'avons rencontré aucun problème.