Si se está bien formado en inversión en bolsa, Degiro resulta la mejor plataforma, siendo ideal para agilizar las operaciones de compra y venta de acciones. Para mí tiene un coste relativamente cómodo y bajo. Solo pagas por operación realizada y no hay...
Poor customer service makes it impossible to recommend. I ran into very, very poor and unfriendly customer service even before I actually used it, which is a good thing. I'd hate to have invested anything to then run into issues. I'll take my business...
J'aime que la plateforme d'Etoro soit intuitive et facile pour les personnes qui n'ont peut-être pas d'expérience avec d'autres courtiers ou qui commencent dans le monde des investissements, nous devons nous rappeler que le courtier n'est que...
I tried using eToro first without making any deposits. Since I've used a few other platforms that caused issues when withdrawing funds and in different situations, I wanted to try the eToro's virtual account out first. I've run into problems like when I...
Si se está bien formado en inversión en bolsa, Degiro resulta la mejor plataforma, siendo ideal para agilizar las operaciones de compra y venta de acciones. Para mí tiene un coste relativamente cómodo y bajo. Solo pagas por operación realizada y no hay...
J'aime que la plateforme d'Etoro soit intuitive et facile pour les personnes qui n'ont peut-être pas d'expérience avec d'autres courtiers ou qui commencent dans le monde des investissements, nous devons nous rappeler que le courtier n'est que...
Poor customer service makes it impossible to recommend. I ran into very, very poor and unfriendly customer service even before I actually used it, which is a good thing. I'd hate to have invested anything to then run into issues. I'll take my business...
I tried using eToro first without making any deposits. Since I've used a few other platforms that caused issues when withdrawing funds and in different situations, I wanted to try the eToro's virtual account out first. I've run into problems like when I...