Easy to input details of what I've worked on so clients can know what I've done for them in an easy to read fashion.
UI/UX obsolète, modales encombrantes, peu d'intégrations
J'adore absolument le fait que MyCase s'améliore continuellement et prenne réellement en compte nos suggestions. C'est vraiment encourageant de voir qu'ils appliquent réellement nos suggestions. Cela nous encourage à rechercher continuellement des...
Their billing software doesn't have the ability to have recurring payments, or recurring fees/charges (monthly fees for example) and also can't add late charges or interest. If you carry the balance forward, it resets the aging on the old balance throwing...
Easy to input details of what I've worked on so clients can know what I've done for them in an easy to read fashion.
J'adore absolument le fait que MyCase s'améliore continuellement et prenne réellement en compte nos suggestions. C'est vraiment encourageant de voir qu'ils appliquent réellement nos suggestions. Cela nous encourage à rechercher continuellement des...
UI/UX obsolète, modales encombrantes, peu d'intégrations
Their billing software doesn't have the ability to have recurring payments, or recurring fees/charges (monthly fees for example) and also can't add late charges or interest. If you carry the balance forward, it resets the aging on the old balance throwing...