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820 Xactly Incent Reseñas
Sentimiento General de la Reseña para Xactly Incent
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El sitio nunca parece estar caído, me permite hacer un seguimiento muy fácilmente. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Nada. El sitio web siempre está funcionando. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en

Una amplia gama de productos como Incent, connect, Analytics, Forecasting, etc. Funcionalidad para conectar e integrar con otro software. Funcionalidad para implementar basada en sus requisitos y personalización. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Xactly puede mejorar sus estructuras de informes. Actualmente, Analytics carece de mucha funcionalidad que debería haber estado presente. Portales comunitarios para ser accedidos desde otros entornos. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Incent allows us to automate our incentive calculations fully and is very flexible with configuration. The tool is very transparent, allowing admins and end users to understand what is included in attainment and payouts.
Xactly's CSM support is world-class, helping ensure we are consistently successful, and the Xactly Community includes lots of training and reference material with many opportunities for official certifications. Mobile Incent is also a fantastic app for the seller and their managers. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Incent-based reporting has room for improvement, such as adding custom fields to the "results" sections in Credits and Commissions and not being able to pull results for multiple periods in a single search. Using "triggers" could get complicated (although simplification is on their roadmap). Limiting prior period runs also makes it difficult when the business makes many prior period updates. The dispute resolution functionality has some opportunities for improvement. Issues can only be worked by a single admin and are not transparent to an admin team. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Setting up the comp plans is pretty easy, and Xactly customer service is great, if needed. Xactly also is very reliable once set up each year, and I always have confidence in the calculations. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
The reports are in buckets and don't provide the full picture of an order from booking to payout. The user will have to merge the reports to see order info, customer info, commission info, and final payout. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Xactly is a great tool for calculating and displaying commissions. I find it user-friendly as an admin, and the users seem to catch on quickly. When connected directly with Salesforce, it is an admin's dream tool. Seamless integration makes for fewer errors and human touches to any data. After taking many training courses, Xactly provides all the techniques and best practices for troubleshooting. Xactly displays easy-to-read gauges for end-users and provides a tool to distribute comp plans and keep records all in one place. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
It would be great if there were more year-to-date reporting within the tool for Admins, managers, and reps. Ideally, pulling a few months' worths of Results - Commissions or Credits in one report would be extremely helpful. The new interface takes some getting used to, and there are more click tracks to get to certain places. Not being able to update workflows after sending out comp plans can be an issue if someone in the workflow were to leave the company. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
The system's functionality, ability and flexibility to incentivize how we need to drive the business is unmatched. The Sales Team appreciates the transparency of the data and ability to drill into each transaction. The interface for our Admins works very well. We have some great reporting tools and can give leadership what they want to see. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
I would like to see more functionality put around inquiries, tracking and reporting. Currently, it routes everything to our inbox, but we do not have a good way to track trends and bucket inquiries into reporting in order to identify trends. Some sophistication here would go a long way to help us identify problem areas and places we could try to simplify our plans. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en

Xactly es capaz de manejar cálculos de incentivos extremadamente complicados, utilizando datos de múltiples fuentes. Es lo suficientemente flexible como para adaptarse a organizaciones que cambian rápidamente. Desde mi perspectiva, el mejor aspecto de Xactly es el excelente soporte al cliente que viene con una licencia. El equipo de Xactly es muy receptivo para abordar problemas rápidamente, lo cual es esencial cuando se intenta calcular los pagos de incentivos a tiempo para los plazos de nómina. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Xactly requiere una inversión significativa para aprender a operar. Es un programa sofisticado que tiene sus propias reglas y procesos. Sin embargo, como profesional de compensación, he encontrado que vale la pena invertir tiempo en aprender a usar Xactly. Usé hojas de cálculo durante años, pero nuestra profesión se está moviendo cada vez más hacia la automatización completa. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en

Xactly es realmente bueno en asegurar que las situaciones más complejas estén integradas en la lógica. Hay otros programas que no pueden manejar situaciones complejas. Además, el soporte del equipo de Xactly es de primera clase. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
A veces, Xactly puede ser engorroso al ver datos y un poco lento al cargar datos. Además, me gustaría ver mejores características de informes y mejores paneles. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
I've only been using Xactly for a year but have found it very user-friendly for the most part. I'm able to view employees' commissions with relative ease. Additionally, seeing the breakdown of what the payment entails is pretty transparent. We also have a very good relationship with our Xactly Rep (Allie Libow). Allie is very attentive, nice and professional when answering any inquiries our team may have. With only a year of experience with Xactly, it's challenging to comment further. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
I wish you could open more than one xactly at once in your browser. There are many instances in which I need to make multiple changes at once and I can't because I can only have one Xactly open at a time. Also, it would be nice to have the ability to update an employee's email or username after they start. With only a year of experience with Xactly, it's challenging to comment further. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Herramienta excelente para calcular comisiones y seguir el rendimiento fácilmente. He hecho esto en Excel y consume mucho tiempo (pesadilla).
Saludos a nuestro equipo de Xactly, Jaspal Panesar y Jake Vento, siempre buscando oportunidades para facilitar nuestros procesos. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en
Creo que incent funciona bien, si acaso, el aspecto de los gráficos en Xactly analytics, no estoy seguro si todavía tenemos que seguir jugando con la herramienta o si es el mejor aspecto que puede ofrecer, preferimos exportar los resultados y crear gráficos en Excel o PowerBI. Reseña recopilada por y alojada en