Resumen de precios de Saturn Cloud
Saturn Cloud de un vistazo
Saturn Cloud has three separate plans: Free Trial, Pro, and On-Premise.
Saturn Cloud Hosted Free is designed for people looking to start with cloud notebooks, GPUs, and LLMs. It uses the Saturn Cloud-hosted environment, meaning the instances and data live securely in our AWS environment.
These hours can be applied to CPU-powered instances (up to 64GB of memory) or GPU-powered instances (up to 16GB of memory). When your monthly hours end, you’ll get an error message in Saturn Cloud letting you know.
Saturn Cloud Pro is the premium version of our free trial, which also runs in a secure AWS environment Saturn Cloud provides. In addition to the free version, you also have the following:
✓Share resources easily across teams
✓Create and manage group-owned resources
✓Admin tools to monitor and control usage
Saturn Cloud On-Premise
This is our recommended plan for people working in corporate settings. The enterprise version has the same full feature set as Saturn Cloud Pro, but it is installed in your corporate cloud environment instead of ours. You can use the size and type of cloud instances your team needs with as many users as you want. We also provide strong customer support for Saturn Cloud, Dask, and GPUs. If you have issues with shifting previously written code to Dask and GPUs, we are happy to assist.
Nombre | Precio | Características |
Saturn Cloud On-Premise | Contáctanos | Instalaciones en entornos de nube ofrecidos por AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google, Oracle y CoreWeave.
Saturn Cloud Hosted Free | $0.00 | El plan gratuito incluye 30 horas de computación.
Saturn Cloud Pro | Paga según lo que uses | Incluye todo del plan *Gratis y es de pago por uso.
Precios y planes de Saturn Cloud